Set up an investigation to show the correct strength sugar solution he should use, in which the store the chips. The chips must not gain water or loose water.

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Task: Charles Chip owned a popular fish and chip shop and his chips were the best in the area.

Set up an investigation to show the correct strength sugar solution he should use, in which the store the chips. The chips must not gain water or loose water.


The variables I could investigate are the type of potato, the temperature of the solution, the strength or dilution of the sugar solution, time, and container and the size of the chip.

I have chosen to investigate the strength of the sucrose solution because of osmosis and the movement of water molecules. I will have a range of six; these will be 1 molar  distilled water.

In each test I will put the same sized chips, the same mass, length and diameter of chip will also be the same and also the same type of chip.

I will measure accurately by using electronic balance, 30cm ruler and a calibrated pipette.

I have made this a fair test by only using one variable.

To make sure my investigation is reliable I will make sure it’s a fair test.

I will know the correct solution to store the chips in because the chips will be the same size and mass as when they were when we started the investigation.


I think that the correct solution to store chips in will be a week solution because in “Biology, a Functional approach” by MBV Roberts. Nelson Publishers say; “The molarity of sucrose that causes no change in mass is 0.27.”

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The chip in the stronger solution will loose water molecules because of osmosis.

The chip in the stronger solution will loose water molecules because as the sucrose has large particles its harder for them to fit through the membrane of the cells, so water is lost and not gained.

The chip in distilled water will gain water molecules because there are more water molecules and no sucrose solution. This makes the solution thinner so osmoses happens more.

Osmosis is a special case of diffusion that involves water. Basically it is the movement of water molecules across a partially permeable membrane from ...

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