Skeletal System. What is the difference between the axial and appendicular skeleton? What is the difference between ligaments and tendons? How are bones important in maintaining homeostasis?

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1. What is the difference between the axial and appendicular skeleton? What is the difference between ligaments and tendons? How are bones important in maintaining homeostasis? The Skeletal system provides us with many important functions. It provides us with the shape and form for our bodies as well as supporting, protecting and allowing our body to move freely, producing blood for the body and storing minerals. This is important in maintain
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homeostasis. The human endoskeleton skeleton is a combination of cartilage and 206 bones that make up the skeletal system. It is organized into two basic units: the axial skeleton and the appendicular skeleton. The axial skeleton supports the axis or trunk of the body and includes the skull, enclosing and protecting the brain, vertebrae of the spinal column, enclosing the spinal cord and the rib cage, around the heart and lungs. It includes 80 bones. The appendicular skeleton is made up of the bones of the limbs, shoulders and pelvis. This part of the skeletal system contains 126 bones, 64 ...

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Spelling, grammar and punctuation are all correct.

The introduction is adequate, but I wouldn't have been able to tell it was an introduction until reading the remainder of the text, so this should be set out a bit clearer. Could go into the functions of the different types of skeleton slightly deeper, such as the movement and flexibility provided by the vertebrae. Ligaments do not always connect bone to bone apart from in the limbs, for example the round ligament of the liver connects the liver to ventral abdominal wall in the dog, and is hence not connecting bone to bone, so to achieve higher levels the candidate would have considered body systems other than just the skeletal one. Tendons are also continuations of muscles, and there are different types of muscles depending on the types of fibres that run through it. Could provide deeper detail about calcium homeostasis such as the different types of cells found in bone or the role of the hormones calcitonin and parathyroid. No conclusion, but the candidate begins to talk about themselves, not making an adequate conclusion, and this should not be done in a scientific essay. However, provides a good depth of analysis for an A level candidate.

Good overall response to the question with each part considered, although the level of analysis throughout the main body of the text could have been deeper, and there is no end conclusion to the main points brought about in the essay making it more of a question- answer format.