Solar cells

This case study involves researching about solar cells and study the effect internal resistance has on its efficiency. This ties up with our practical investigation where we investigate the internal resistance of a power supply.

Sunlight can be converted into electrical energy using photovoltaic cells also known as solar cells.  Photovoltaic (PV) cells are made of materials called semiconductors such as silicon. When light strikes the cell, a certain portion of it is absorbed within the semiconductor material. The energy absorbed by the semiconductor from the light knocks electrons loose, allowing them to flow freely thus making an electric current. Unlike on Earth, there is no atmosphere in space blocking sun light so there is a good supply of sun light energy if positioned correctly, but the disadvantage is that the longer they stay exposed to extreme high temperature the more likely for them to get damaged. Temperature also has a major impact on the internal resistance of the solar cell. This could be detrimental to the space program being undertaken. In this case study, I aim to investigate the internal resistance of a power supply and link the results to a power supply in space i.e. a solar cell. By studying the relationship between external load on current and voltage, the internal resistance of a power supply can be determined. Knowledge gained can be used in designing a circuit that meets or exceed requirements that is required for a space exploration. Figure 1

Internal Resistance

        In a power supply there are wires and chemical electrolytes and electrodes that make up a cell which all have electrical resistance. Some energy produced by the power supply is transferred to the resistance. So when the charge travels through the source of e.m.f. It gains energy, but losses some of what it gained due to this resistance. This resistance is known as Internal Resistance. The internal resistance is represented as a ‘perfect’ cell with a resistor connected in series representing the internal resistance, as shown below:

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The circle enclosing E and r represents that they are a single component. The current can be worked by connecting the battery to an external resistor. R and r are in series with each other, because the current I flows first through one and then through the other meaning that in total the total resistance is R + r. From this the formula below is derived:

        E= I(R+r)        or        E= IR+Ir

E cannot be measured directly because a voltmeter can only be connected across the whole cell with its internal resistance r. To do this the terminal p.d. V is measured ...

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This piece of work is very well written, it is coherent, the information is laid out clearly and is easy to follow. In addition to this there are no grammatical or spelling errors.

The candidate demonstrates a good understanding of physics principles and they have used appropriate scientific terms throughout. In addition to this the candidate has taken the initiative to do independent research and has sensibly included a list of the sources they have used in their work. This additional information shows an interest in your subject and can make the essay more enjoyable to read. However the candidate has not written a conclusion and this is a mistake. A conclusion gives you the chance to leave the reader with a good impression, the key things you should include are a summary of your key points and ideas and a personal response to the topic as this helps you draw the essay to a close.

Though candidate gives an introduction, it is a little brief, they have stated what they plan to discuss which is good but you should also include a brief introduction of your topic, in this case that could be a description of solar cells and perhaps what they are made of and their main purpose. However the candidate gives a fairly in depth response overall and they have provided a suitable amount of detail.