Speeds enzymes break down proteins

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Speeds enzymes break down proteins



My hypothesis for this experiment is that as the enzyme concentration increases, the time taken for the protein to break down decreases.


Background Knowledge        :        

The way enzymes work can be described using the lock and key hypothesis.  Specific enzymes have specific shapes that fit with the shapes of the things they break down.  For example a lipase will only be able to break down lipids, not carbohydrates etc.  The milk solution will clear as the trypsin (a protease) enzyme breaks down the casein (a protein) in the milk.  The milk will clear because the enzyme is breaking the casein down so that rather than being in long insoluble chains it is in small chunks that can dissolve and produce a clear solution.


This means that enzymes are biological catalysts (they speed up reaction rates but don’t change themselves).  They are globular proteins with a specially shaped  ‘lock’ called an active site.  The active site contains amino acids which will only join with certain substrate molecules, the ‘keys’, to form an enzyme-substrate complex.  The enzyme will hold the substrate, and charged groups in the substrate and active site will attract, distorting the substrate and aiding bond breakage as it reduces the amount of energy needed to break the bonds.  (The energy needed to break the bonds is called activation energy.)  The products are then released and the enzyme is left unchanged and ready for another substrate.  


The reason that I believe that having a higher concentration of enzyme will speed up the reaction is because of the collision theory.  This basically states that reactions occur when reactants collide with sufficient energy.  Increasing the concentration of enzyme will increase the number of collisions.

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Equipment        :

-          Beakers

-          Measuring cylinders

-          Measuring Syringes

-          Enzyme (trypsin 0.5%)

-          Milk powder solution (0.5% concentration)

  • Paper with text

Variables        :


  • concentration of enzyme

This is what we are testing, therefore what we are controlling.



  • time taken to react

This is a dependant variable because it depends on the independent variable for its number.




-                  temperature

-                  volume


The control variables are kept constant to ensure the validity of the results.  If they were not constant something other than the enzyme concentration ...

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