Spring Investigation

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Spring Investigation


The aim is to find out the factors that affect the stretching of a spring.


From Hooke's law we know that as long as loads are not used which would cause

the spring to approach its elastic limit the extension of a spring is proportional to the load

acting on it.

This equation: extension =Y x (original length) x load

cross-sectional area

states that if we increase the cross-sectional area and keep the same original length, the

extension will be less with any given load. I will apply this knowledge that the thinner the

wire the more it will extend with the same load than a thicker wire would. I think this

because the theoretical equation along with Hookes law state that this is what would


Here is an example of what the results

should look like.

Trial run

For the trial run I decided to use a diameter of 10mm for the coil and to use 100g

masses. This did not work as the springs with a 36swg, 32swg, and 28swg just went straight

to the floor. On the basis of what I have tried out I decided to use a 5mm diameter for the

coil and 10g masses.


.Set up equipment as shown in diagram.

.Make five Nichrome springs with a 20swg, 24swg, 28swg, 32swg and 36swg all with

hooks at each end.

. Hook the 20swg spring onto the clamp stand.

. Move the metre stick to line up an easy figure with the bottom of the spring

e.g., 200mm to make the results easier to record.

. Add a 10g mass and record the extension each time until the spring won't return to its
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normal position.

. Do the above for each spring making sure you record it to the nearest millimetre.


I will be using, 10g masses to extend the springs, a 1metre stick to record the

extension, and 5 nichrome springs with a gauge of 20swg, 24swg, 28swg, 32swg, and

36swg to extend.


I will make sure it is a fair test by accounting for all the factors that will affect the

stretching of the spring.

. Type of wire

. Size of the load

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