The aim of this activity is to investigate the effect of a reduction in enzyme concentration on the rate of reaction, in this case the breakdown of protein by protease enzymes.

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The pancreatic duct in individuals who have cystic fibrosis frequently becomes blocked, reducing or preventing the release of pancreatic enzymes into the small intestine. The aim of this activity is to investigate the effect of a reduction in enzyme concentration on the rate of reaction, in this case the breakdown of protein by protease enzymes. 


Milk powder contains a white protein called casein. A white suspension of milk powder clears on the addition of the enzyme trypsin. The aim of this experiment is to investigate the effect of enzyme concentration on enzyme activity. We will observe how fast the milk turns transparent by changing the concentration of the enzyme on milk. 


The higher the concentration of trypsin, the higher the rate of breakdown of milk protein because with higher concentration of enzyme, there are more active sites available for the substrate molecules to bind with. When there are more enzymes, the collision between enzymes and substrates becomes more frequent, increasing the chance of forming enzyme-substrate complex. 

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Risk Assessment:

In this experiment there were not a lot of risk assessment that was dangerous to both my lab partner and I. The main risk assessments were to tie our hair back, we had to make sure that we didn’t spill any of the chemical on the floor has this could be dangerous.


To carry out this experiment, the following apparatus are needed: 

  • Trypsin
  • Milk powder 
  • Standard laboratory glassware and apparatus 
  •  Stop clock 
  •  Colorimeter
  •  Thermometer 


To be reliable, measurements should also be accurate. To be accurate a measurement should be close to the true value. ...

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A good write up, the theory in the introduction is informative and reinforces the hypothesis. The results table is a little confusing but the conclusion hightlights what may have gone wrong and ways in which to address it next time. Unfortunately there is no graph which would have added to the overall strength of the piece of work. 3 stars.