The aim of this experiment is to find out how temperature effects the action of the enzymes.

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Enzymes Investigation


The aim of this experiment is to find out how temperature effects the action of the enzymes.


I predict that as I increase the temperature in intervals of 10   it will increase the rate reaction of the enzymes, which will increase the products produced, so more oxygen will be given off.

The reason why I predict this is because of the collision theory.  The collision theory states that:

Chemical reactions occur when particles of the reactants collide.  They must collide with a certain minimum energy, called the activation center; otherwise no reaction will take place.  If low temperatures is provided to the particles (substrates) it will then only cause few of the particles to receive the minimum activation energy so they will be less collisions so they will have less end products

In our substrate at low temperature very few enzymes and substrates will be join together so less products is produced because less collisions.  When we increase the temperature more particles will have receive more of the activation energy so it will cause more collisions.

More of the enzymes and substrate will have received the minimum activation energy so will increase the collision so will increase the number of products, so as we increase the temperature it will cause more collisions so will cause more products produced.

I predict that at the optimum temperature, which for more enzymes is between 40  - 50         it will reach the maximum reaction rate.  I also predict that after the temperature, the rate reaction will start to slow down because at this point the enzymes start to denature.

The reason why I predict this is because enzymes are made up of proteins and they are held by hydrogen bonds.  The enzymes are at the tertiary structure, which has an active site where the substrate has to fit so that the products can be deformed.  The hydrogen bonds are stable at low temperature but are very unstable when high provided.  This causes the enzymes to become denatured.

The active site loses its correct configuration and so fails to fit the substrate so that the enzymes no longer function as a catalyst.


Our aim is to find out how temperatures effect the action of the enzymes and to do this experiment the equipment that I will use is: -

  • Thermometer-A thermometer is needed as it measures the temperature and in this experiment we need to measure the temperature of the water and to make sure that the temperature constant.
  • Ice/Kettle-the kettle is needed to heat the water and the ice is to cool the water.  This is done so that we can see how the enzymes differ in different temperatures.
  • Liver-This is used as this is where the enzyme catalyses is found.
  • Hydrogen Peroxide-This is used as the substrate and this is what the catalase will break it down into water and oxygen.
  • Test tube/Beakers-This is used to hold the hydrogen peroxide and to collect the oxygen.  The beakers will hold the water bath.
  • Stop watch-This is to time how long we will allow the reaction to take place.
  • Knife and white tile-This is used to cut the liver into similar sizes and surface
  • Weigh Scale-This is to weigh out the liver into similar weights
  • Delivery tube and bee-hive shelf –This is used as well with test tubes to collect the oxygen given off.
  • Pipette-This is to measure the fluids accurately
  • Measuring cylinder-This is used to measure the volume of oxygen given off
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To carry out this experiment I will collect all the equipment that is needed in this experiment the temperature that I will be using are in intervals of 10   as this will help us to see how it increase if it doubled or halved.  I was at first going to increase the intervals at 2 but I realised that this will not give us a broad view of a variety temperature.  I would also have to take a lot more reading to see if at above 50    the enzymes will denature.  The temperature that I will use ...

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