The cloning of Dolly.

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On the 23 February 1997, the world woke up to news of a new technological advance.  This advance was embodied in a "little lamb" going by the name of Dolly.

At first glance, one could be forgiven for wondering what was so special about this white-faced sheep. Dolly looked like hundreds of the other lambs that dot the hills and fields of Scotland; and indeed for six months this lamb had grazed quietly and unnoticed among them.  Dolly appeared positively ordinary. However, Dolly, despite appearances, had a most unusual conception. She was not the end result of a fusion of sperm with egg, which had been cloned from a single cell taken from the breast tissue of an adult sheep.

It was the idea that this technology could be applied to humans.  The cloning of Dolly raises serious ethical questions, particularly with respect to the possible use of this technology to clone human embryos.  Religious groups across the world wondered if this is a miracle was to which we can thank God for, or to ignore it as an ominous way of playing God ourselves.

Ethical choices must also have to be made. The public response to cloning suggests that countries differ widely in their opinions of this new technology. Immediately after the announcement of Dolly's birth, Italy banned the cloning of any mammal, but a number of groups in the U.S. welcomed the technique.  This shows the difference in opinion, all around the world.

What’s the purpose of cloning?

The main purpose of cloning is to find a more effective way of producing animals for desirable agriculture, food or medicine.  Cloned animals will be living in factories that would be able to produce a range of human drugs to helps us with various illnesses and maybe even diseases.  The purpose of cloning Dolly was to see if the idea of a different way to producing animals, would actually work. Cloning mammals means that you can use larger animal types.

Definition of terms

What is cloning?

Cloning is the production of genetically identical animals or humans using laboratory-grown cells.  The term cloning (derived from the Greek word klon, meaning "twig") strictly indicates the taking of a cutting, as in plant breeding, but it has also come to be used to describe the production, by means of a process known as nuclear transfer, of genetically identical animals.

Nuclear transfer involves removing the chromosomes from an unfertilized egg and replacing them with a nucleus from a donor cell. As it is the transferred nucleus that determines almost all of the characteristics of the resulting offspring, a clone will resemble its "parent" (the animal from which the donor cell was taken). While the most obvious use of cloning is to produce groups of animals that are genetically identical, nuclear transfer also may be used for the introduction of precise genetic changes in mammals.

Although other methods have been employed to add genes to mammals, nuclear transfer makes it possible for the first time to change any function of existing genes.

Another application of cloning technology is the production of embryonic cells.  This is when special embryos without defects are cloned from cells.  This could be helpful in treating certain diseases. Before there can be significant use of these applications, however, some practical difficulties must be resolved, as only a small proportion of the embryos thus far produced by nuclear transfer have become live offspring.

What are Designer babies?

A designer baby is made using the same method as Dolly the sheep; by emptying a human cell of its entire DNA.  Specialist cells are sucked out of the DNA and injected into a hollow egg.  This egg now has all the characteristics that the scientist wants.  It then develops into an embryo and then a human.  

On 29 August 2000 the world’s first designer baby was born; Adam Nash was created to save the life of his older sister Molly Nash, from Fanconi’s anaemia.  This was a major step forward in helping children with life-threatening illnesses.

But this also provoked an ethical and moral debate over ‘babies made to order’.   Already questions are being raised about whether the baby boy was really wanted or merely created to save his sister. It has also raised many issues in religion, on whether to thank god for the baby or debate over the issue of playing god.

People are beginning to think that in the near future, everybody will be deciding on what he or she wanted their baby to look like or what kind of personality they had.  The parents of Adam Nash have a different view on the subject and think that they are not playing god but merely trying to save the life of their little girl.   The whole process of which Adam was created was to produce a perfect match of bone marrow to give to Molly and thus saving her life.

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Arguments for and Against Cloning


There has been a breakthrough with human stem cells. Embryonic stem cells can be grown to produce organs or tissues to repair or replace damaged ones.  For example skin for burn victims, brain cells for the brain damaged, spinal cord cells for quadriplegics and paraplegics (the paralyzed) and maybe even actual organs such as, hearts, lungs, livers, and kidneys could be produced.  This could mean in some years that there is hope for millions of people on waiting lists for donor organs.

By combining this technology with human cloning ...

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One or two words have spaces in between them due to typing error which could have been avoided by simple proof-reading. Other grammar, punctuation and spelling are all fine.

Introduction outlines the background of the topic of cloning well. The purpose of cloning is not described very well and the meaning is sometimes hard to follow with the way the text is written. The level of analysis involved in the essay is very well presented with many different links and topics being analysed. To increase the level included, the candidate could include a range of different presentation sources including diagrams to explain the different concepts better. Scientific terms used are high for this level of candidate, but could have been more in depth to increase their grade further.

Good essay. The candidate outlines a range of different ideas and concepts in a clear, concise manner before presenting an adequate conclusion which concludes with their own opinions on the subject matter. Scientific concepts used could have been explored in a much deeper scientific depth and the candidate could have broadened the horizons to improve their grade.