The digestion process.

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Cheese salad sandwich– process through the body

The sandwich is made up of different nutrients. Cheese contains fat and protein which are used to make things like enzymes and antibodies and for the growth and repair of tissues. The bread contains carbohydrates which is the main source of energy.

The digestive system is responsible for breaking down food for it then to be absorbed into the blood stream for it to be carried to the cells of the body. The system has different parts to its structure that all take part in certain roles to complete the process of digestion.

Digestion starts it process in the mouth. To start off the process we ingest the cheese sandwich into our mouth, we then use mechanical digestion which is when the sandwich is in our mouth and we use the back teeth to break down the larger pieces of food into smaller pieces. When we chew our food saliva is produced from our salivary glands. Saliva contains an enzyme amylase which breaks down the starch in bread, into maltose sugar. The mouth also makes lingual lipase begins to digest lipids, which are found in the cheese.

Once the food is swallowed it is pushed through the oesophagus and the gastrointestinal tract by peristalsis. The gut wall has two layers of smooth muscle, the circular layer contracts behind the bolus, it pushes the food along. Even though there is no digestion that takes place in the oesophagus, it still helps and plays a role in the system as it secretes mucus to help the food move more easily.

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The next stage of digestion happens in the stomach. For our cheese sandwich this is where the protein from the cheese gets digested. A human stomach is a muscular bag which is around the size of a coke can. In the lining of the stomach there are gastric pits which is where oxyntic cells are found. These cells secrete hydrochloric acid which kills bacteria on the food. Chief cells secrete pepsinogen which is an inactive form of pepsin. The hydrochloric acid produced by the oxyntic cells cuts off some amino acids from pepsinogen: this then changes the shape to expose ...

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