The effect of an inhibitor on sucrase activity.

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The effect of inhibitor on sucrase activity


Sucrase is an enzyme which catalyses the hydrolysis of sucrose into glucose and fructose. The products of the reaction are reducing sugars (glucose and fructose). Like many enzymes, sucrase is a globular protein and its structure is maintained by hydrogen bonds, disulphide bridges and the ionic bond. Sucrase has a specific site called active-site where substrate molecules (sucrose) bind to form enzyme-substrate complex. The shape of the active-site is so specific that only sucrose can fit in. This is called lock and key mechanism and suggests that one enzyme can only catalyse one reaction. However, enzyme slightly changes its shape when substrate binds to its active- site. This process is known as an induced fit. The presence of these molecules can be tested by using Benedict’s solution. The reducing sugar means that it can reduce the copper (II) in Benedict’s solution into copper (I) which is red precipitate. In this experiment, we are looking at the effect of inhibitor on sucrase activity. Inhibitor is a substance which slows down the rate of enzyme controlled reaction.


The rate of formation of glucose and fructose will slow down with the presence of silver nitrate solution compared with the rate of reaction which does not contain silver nitrate.


Silver nitrate is used as inhibitor in this experiment. Silver nitrate contains a heavy metal ion silver ion which acts as an inhibitor. This kind of inhibitor is know as non-active-site directed inhibitor because it does not compete with sucrose for the active-site, but binds to the other site on enzyme known as allosteric site. This alters the overall shape of molecule of enzyme and thus changes the specific shape of the active-site. So sucrose can no longer combine with enzyme to form enzyme-substrate complex, resulting in the decrease in the formation of glucose and fructose.


  • The experiment is carried out according to the procedure.
  • Two test tubes of the same volume are prepared. One test tube contains silver nitrate but another test tube contains the same volume of distilled water. The one with distilled water acts as a control. This test tube will undergo at the normal rate of enzyme controlled reaction. The test tube with silver nitrate will have a slower rate in forming reducing sugar because silver nitrate will slow down the activity of sucrase.
  • Enzymes are sensitive to the change in temperature. At very low temperature, the kinetic energy of molecules will be so small that the rate of reaction will be very slow. At very high temperature, the heat energy supplied will starts breaking the bonds holding the tertiary structure of the enzyme. Finally, the enzymes will loose their specificity and become denatured and can no longer catalyse the reaction. So it is important to keep the temperature as constant as possible at the optimum temperature. It is the temperature at which enzymes work most efficiently that is the rate of reaction is the fastest. In this experiment, the temperature is kept at 35°C which is assumed to be the optimum temperature for sucrase.
  • The pH of the solution is also need to be constant at the optimum pH for sucrase. Change in pH alters the ionisation of R-groups in amino acid in enzymes. At extreme pH, the bonds holding the tertiary structure will starts to break and so will the shape of the active-site. So the enzyme is said to be denatured because it can no longer bind with substrate molecules to form enzyme-substrate complex. In this experiment, pH is kept constant by using buffer solution which is pH 5. This is assumed to be the optimum pH for sucrase, pH at which sucrase work best and the rate of reaction is the fastest.
  • The concentrations of enzyme and substrate also affect the rate of enzyme controlled reaction. These also need to be kept under controlled. Increase in concentration of enzyme or substrate will increase the rate of the reaction and vice versa. By using the same volume for both enzyme and substrate, the variations are controlled.
  • The reaction media are incubated in water bath until they reach 35°C. This is done to ensure that both the reactions are taking place at known temperature. The temperature of water bath is kept as constant as possible to minimise the temperature fluctuation.
  • The same volume of Benedict’s solution is used for every test for the presence of reducing sugar. The interval of time for heating Benedict’s solution and the reaction time for sucrase on sucrose are both kept constant. So that we can compare the amount of reducing sugar being formed from the two test tubes (one with silver nitrate and the other without silver nitrate) over the same period of time. Different pipettes are used for the water and silver nitrate tubes so the control tube does not become contaminated with silver nitrate.
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Tables to show the concentration of reducing sugar in (moldm-3) produced over a period of time

Table 1

Table 2


The concentration of reducing sugar being formed increases as the reaction proceeds. The gradient of the graph of water containing test tube (T1) is much greater than that of the graph of silver nitrate containing test tube (T2) because (T1) graph is steeper than (T2) graph. This shows that more reducing sugar is being formed from non-inhibited reaction compared with inhibited reaction over the same period of time. The rate of formation of enzyme-substrate complex is ...

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