The effect of bead size on the activity of immobilised Yeast enzymes.

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Gurvinder Thind

Biology Coursework

12G_Mr Richards.

 The effect of bead size on the activity of immobilised Yeast enzymes.


     Enzymes serve as biological catalysts and as a result increase the number of reactions occurring within in a set period of time. To a similar effect yeast can be used to increase the rate of a reaction. It is possible to immobilise yeast using a solution such as Sodium alginate. This allows several usage’s from the same enzyme batch and it also increases it’s own stability. This technique is often seen in use in industry, one example of this is that seen in the textile industry. Yeast uses Sucrose as a form of energy, and can then hydrolyse it internally and brings out its constituent monosacharides. Using this, it is possible to investigate whether the size of the yeast beads affects the reaction, which takes place. In theory, the greater the surface area of the beads, the slower the rate of reaction as less of the Yeast selectively permeable membrane are outward facing in order to further the reaction. Consequently the smaller the bead the faster the Sucrose is Hydrolysed yielding more of it’s constituent monosacharides. This idea is simply measurable, as it is possible to strain the sucrose through the beads, and test this residue for the presence of Glucose with test strips to collate the amount of Glucose.

    Sucrose is a disaccharide, consisting of one alpha-Glucose and one Beta-Fructose molecule joined in a condensation reaction. When these join an alpha 1-2 Glycosidic is formed, as the carbon atom 1 of the Glucose joins with the carbon atom 2 of the fructose.

Sucrose Formation;  

There are no free carbonyl groups, and consequently Sucrose is a non-reducing sugar.

  Yeast is able to internally break down this Sucrose. And use it in order to respire. The Glucose and fructose are separated in order to obtain energy. This is done via hydrolysation, demonstrated above. A water molecule is added in order to break down the connective Glycosidic bond between the Glucose and Fructose. This is the reverse of a condensation reaction.    

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Recent discoveries have formulated mass industrial enzyme immobilisation. To immobilise a substance, it involves it being changed from a water-soluble state, which is mobile to an immobile water-insoluble condition. This immobilisation is conducted in four ways.

Immobilisation Techniques;

Sodium alginate serves to encapsulate a yeast molecule(s). It forms a membrane upon contact with the yeast. As a result of this it is possible to vary bead size purely by varying the size of the syringe, which ...

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