The effect of concentration on catalase enzyme

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Prediction – I predict that there will be a higher concentration of catalase in the animal tissue than in the plant tissue so the discs soaked in animal tissue extract will take less time to rise. This is because the tissue will contain an appropriate amount of enzyme to break down any hydrogen peroxide that it makes. As hydrogen peroxide is a toxic product of aerobic respiration, the concentration will be highest in the most rapidly respiring tissue. Muscle respires rapidly because it needs ATP to contract and liver respires rapidly because it carries out many complex biochemical reactions. The potato and celery do not need much ATP, so respiration rate is slower, catalase present will be less, so discs will take longer to float to the surface.

Experimental design

The independent variable is the type of tissue source and there will be 5 different ones including both plant and animal material.

The dependant variable is the time taken (s) for a disc soaked in catalase to rise up through a solution of hydrogen peroxide. This is a measure of the time taken to produce enough oxygen to make the disc buoyant (less dense than water).

Controlled variables  

  1. Temperature – the whole experiment will be carried out at room temperature in a lab. over a short time. This will reduce variation in temperature to a minimum. A thermometer will be left on the bench and temperature checked after each result is recorded to ensure that temperature did not change during the experiment.
  2. Volume and concentration of hydrogen peroxide solution (substrate) will be kept the same for each disc (20cm3 of the 2 vol solution)
  3. The pH of the hydrogen peroxide solution will be maintained at pH7 by adding 5cm3 of pH 7 buffer solution.
  4. The time that the discs were left in tissue extract was kept constant at 30seconds using a stopwatch.
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To increase the reliability of the experiment 3 repeats will be carried out with each tissue extract. The results of these will be compared. Mean values will be calculated for the time taken for the discs to rise for each tissue extract.


A control experiment will be carried out which proves that intact catalase with the correct tertiary structure (shape) is required for the reaction to occur. At the end of the main experiment, a control experiment will be run. The procedure will be the same (including all volumes) except that the catalase will be replaced ...

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