The Effect of Soaking on the Action of Catalase.

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Muneeb Ali

AS Biology Coursework

The Effect of Soaking on the Action of Catalase



My task is to investigate how the length of time that a seed, which in this case is red kidney beans, is soaked in water affects the speed of its catalase enzymes.


Enzymes are biological catalysts, so they speed up the rate of chemical reactions. To do this the enzymes lower the activation energy. They speed up metabolic reactions in the body but remain chemically unchanged.

In my investigation I will be using the enzyme catalase. Catalase is an enzyme which is found in food such as potato and liver. This enzyme has the specific task of decomposing Hydrogen Peroxide (which is the substrate), and is used for removing Hydrogen Peroxide from the cells. Hydrogen Peroxide is a poisonous by-product of metabolism that can damage cells if it’s not removed. The equation for the decomposition of Hydrogen Peroxide is :-(

 2H20                                H2O + O2

Hydrogen Peroxide                                Water + Oxygen

Catalase speeds up the decomposition of Hydrogen Peroxide into water and oxygen. This type of reaction when a molecule is broken down into smaller pieces is called an anabolic reaction. In order to record the reaction rate I will measure the amount of oxygen produced.

Catalase is nearly ubiquitous among the organisms that grow in the presence of oxygen. Seeing as Hydrogen Peroxide is a very toxic substance the major function of catalase is to prevent the accumulation of toxic levels of Hydrogen Peroxide formed as a by –product of metabolic processes.(

Red kidney beans are seeds that contain a large supply of catalase. This enzyme is present in the cells of the cotyledons. These are the food store of the seed, which are protected by a tough outer layer called the testa. For the reaction to occur the hydrogen peroxide will have to react with the cotyledons, as the enzyme catalase has been stored there.


I predict that the catalase activity will increase as the time for the beans to be soaked increases too. As a result the enzyme activity will be proportional to the time the kidney beans are soaked for. Thus providing more oxygen. But this proportionality will only continue up to a certain point where the enzyme activity and the amount of oxygen produced will be constant. The water will have no bearing on the reaction anymore. Here is a graph of what I predict will happen:

Clearly from observing the graph the rate of reaction and the length of soaking time are proportional to each other but the graph then soon levels off.

When the water is added to the bean, this stimulates the seed to germinate into a plant. Protein, lipids and starch are then converted into growing plant stalk and root. These are conversions storage polymers to plant structural proteins and carbohydrates, which is done by the enzyme catalase. The seed only partially germinates.

Lipids stored in the plant are converted to energy and other molecules are a highly oxidative process. The by-product of this lipid-metabolism is hydrogen peroxide. This is why there is an increase in the rate of enzyme activity, as there is high lipid metabolism in a germinating seed. (

But before germination can occur the seed has to uptake the water by a process called osmosis.

This is the movement of water particles from a region of higher water potential to a region of lower potential through a partially permeable membrane. Inhibition will carry the water through to the microphyle, which is causes the seed to swell and then rupture. The metabolic rate will be nil, so by osmosis the water levels will reach approximately 75% in each cell. Metabolism can then reach its optimum level and let growth begin.

In an enzyme-catalyzed reaction, the substance to be acted upon (the substrate) binds to the active site of the enzyme. The energy is reduced to activate the reaction so the products are formed. Thus the hydrogen peroxide binding to the catalase. This is known as an enzyme-substrate complex. This is how the molecules move inside the cell. (

The molecules travel due to Brownian motion.

These enzymes use the lock and key theory to fit into an active site.

The lock and key theory is properly described as “The specificity of an enzyme (the lock) for its substrate (the key) arises from their geometrically complementary shapes.”

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This is a simple way of describing how specific an enzyme is for its substrate. Each enzyme is a protein which is a polypeptide chain folded into a complex 3 dimensional structure. Part of that structure contains the active site where the enzyme binds to the substrate to form a chemical reaction. This theory was suggested in 1984 by Emil Fischer.

The graph then levels off as the rate of reaction becomes constant. Reason being, in a plant cell a limited number of water can enter the cell because the protoplast shrinks, but the cell wall restricts the ...

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