The effect of substrate concentration on the activity of catalase on hydrogen peroxide.

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The effect of substrate concentration on the activity of catalase on hydrogen peroxide



This is an experiment to examine how the concentration of the substrate hydrogen peroxide affects the rate of reaction of the enzyme catalase.


If substrate concentration is increased, the rate of reaction will increase at a directly proportional rate until the solution becomes saturated with the substrate hydrogen peroxide.

Adding anymore substrate after this saturation point is reached will make no difference.

 As more substrate is added the rate of reaction increases steadily because more of the actives sites of the enzyme are being used which result in more reactions taking place. So the necessary amount of oxygen is produced more efficiently. Once the amount of substrate molecules added exceeds the number of active sites available then the rate of reaction will no longer increase. This is because the maximum number of reactions are occurring at once so any extra substrate molecules have to wait until some of the active sites become available.

Background Information


All enzymes are globular proteins and within the cell they have two main roles.

1) They act as highly specific catalysts, greatly speeding up chemical reactions, which should otherwise be extremely slow.

2) They provide a mechanism whereby individual chemical reactions can be controlled, the available quantity of an enzyme determining the rate of the corresponding reaction.

Figure 1 shows the specificity of an enzyme’s action arises because each enzyme has a definite three-dimensional shape, which is complementary to that of its reacting molecules, or substrate.

The enzyme that will be used in my investigation is catalase.

Catalase is an enzyme found in many different tissues and foods such as liver & potato. It is used for removing hydrogen peroxide from the cells. In this investigation the enzyme catalase will be used in the form of a vegetable (celery).

Hydrogen peroxide is a chemical compound of hydrogen and oxygen with the formula H202. It is a toxic substance than can be formed during aerobic respiration, which catalase then removes. Catalase speeds up the decomposition of hydrogen peroxide into water and oxygen gas as shown in the equation below.

       2H202    ----------->    2H202  + 02


It is able to speed up the decomposition of hydrogen peroxide because the shape of its active site matches the shape of the hydrogen peroxide molecule. This process where a molecule is broken down into smaller pieces is known as a catabolic reaction. To measure the activity of catalase, the rate of oxygen released from hydrogen peroxide has to be measured.

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The reaction rate for most enzyme-controlled reactions varies with the concentration of the available substrate. Increasing the concentration of a substrate can give a corresponding increase in reaction rate, but only when the substrate concentration remains comparatively small. When larger substrate concentrations are used, the reaction rate becomes less dependent upon ...

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