The Effect of Temperature on the Activity of Amylase

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The Effect of Temperature on the Activity of Amylase

The table below shows the average time taken for the amylase to denature at the five different temperatures.

The table below shows the relative rate of reaction by finding the reciprocal of the time taken to reach the achromatic point at different temperatures.

There are six factors that effect enzyme activity.  They are:

  • Temperature
  • pH
  • Substrate concentration
  • Enzyme concentration
  • Cofactors
  • Inhibitors

The factor we are changing is temperature.  The general rule for enzyme activity is the higher the temperature, the faster the reaction.  However, this only works until a certain temperature.  This is known as the optimum temperature.  As the temperature increases between 25°C and 45°C the rate of reaction increases until the optimum temperature.  After the optimum temperature, between 60°C and 75°C, the rate of reaction decreases.

Temperature is partly responsible for how slow or how fast as chemical reaction takes place.  Chemical reactions take place when the enzyme and substrate collide.  At a low temperature, such as 25°C, the chemical reaction takes place a slow rate.  This is because there is not a lot of energy in the solution that causes them to move.  When you pick a higher temperature such as 45°C, the chemical reaction takes place a lot faster because the particles are colliding more frequently and so results with a higher rate of reaction.

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Enzyme and substrate at 25ºC                        Enzyme and substrate at 45°C

Enzyme                                                Enzyme

Substrate                                                                  Substrate

However, if you pick a temperature such as 75°C, you get the reverse effect.  The temperature is too high and the enzyme molecules begin to vibrate so violently that the delicate bonds break.  These broken bonds are irreversible because it changes the shape of the enzyme.  The substrate can no longer fit with the enzyme and so no reaction occurs.  This is known as the enzyme being ...

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