The effect of Temperature on the activity of an enzyme.

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The effect of Temperature on the activity of an enzyme

Background information

   An Enzyme is a special type of protein that is found in the membrane systems in the body.  Enzymes help us digest food chemicals like carbohydrates and lipids.  Enzymes are a form of catalyst, a catalyst is a chemical that speeds up a reaction but is not used up by it.

   In this experiment, the enzyme used will be trypsin and the substrate will be milk.  Trypsin is an enzyme that digests protein, in this case the proteins in milk.  Trypsin is one of the proteases from the pancreas; it is secreted as the inactive trypsinogen and is activated by enterokinose, an enzyme secreted by the line of the duodenum.  The substrate in this experiment is milk, when trypsin is added, it will start digesting the protein in the milk and soon the milk will turn clear, this signals that the protein has been digested and is no longer present.

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   I predict that as the temperature gets higher, the activity of an enzyme will increase.  This is due to the kinetic theory that when there is more energy (in this case heat) the molecules will move faster at a higher temperature so there will be more collisions, because there are more collisions, there is more chance of the enzyme hitting the substrate so it will get digester more quickly.  Also, I think that when the temperature gets to over 60 degrees Celsius, the enzyme activity will dramatically drop.  This is because the enzyme will begin to get ...

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