The Human Genome Project (arguments for and against)

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Mohsin         -  -

The Human Genome Project (arguments for and against)

The Human Genome Project is a piece of scientific research, which allows scientists to know the arrangement of nucleotides in Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA). As we know, there are millions of nucleotides in a double-stranded molecule of DNA, which code for the structure of a complete human; their eye colour, size, hair colour etc. There can also be mutant genes in the DNA, which may cause irregularities in the final human. The Human Genome Project’s aim was to find out the order of nucleotides, in the DNA and when mutant genes occurred that gene could be eliminated/changed so the patient would recover and then the patient’s offspring would not have contracted that specific hereditary mutant gene. For example, if a person had cystic fibrosis, doctors could located the mutant gene responsible for this disease, change it to make it “normal” and then the person who has this mutant gene would survive and live a healthier life. Now that the odd gene has been changed, the children of that patient would have no risk of being passed on with cystic fibrosis. Although this sounds like a great idea, to cure people of horrific hereditary diseases, some individuals believe that it is wrong to alter the course of nature and create a “perfect race”.

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The advantages of this process are that people won’t have to live with the dreadful, painful, time consuming disease. Instead, the operation of making that person’s disease gene normal would cure them. The argument against this is that, altering peoples DNA is very risky and if a complication occurs the person may die, or even end up worse than they were before.

Another pro is that, the offspring of the victim would have no fear of having that mutant gene and therefore diseases such as Huntingtons could be wiped out for good. The down side of this is, scientists are ...

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*** A superficial essay lacking scientific depth and accuracy. A good example of what not to do.