The importance of Carbon.

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The importance of Carbon cannot be under estimated. It is the main constituent for all living organisms. All cells contain Carbon whether these are bacteria, plant or animal.

The Carbon cycle is the process of inorganic Carbon dioxide in the atmosphere being converted by plants into organic Carbon so that all living organisms can use it. Carbon is the major building blocks for the synthesis of fats, proteins, carbohydrates,

Nucleic acids and cell membranes.

The carbon cycle

The exchange of carbon between living organisms.

The process where inorganic carbon is converted by plants into organic carbon.

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  1. Photosynthesis occurs and the energy from the sunlight is stored using carbon and water bonds in the chloroplasts of plants. This process is called fixation. This is how simple sugars are formed and these are the bases of exchange.
  2. Organisms eat these plants to gain this energy or when the plant dies the carbon is decayed. The plants also use this energy.
  3. The carbon can be transferred to us through plants or other organisms that have eaten the plants.
  4. The carbon is returned to the atmosphere when are bodies or other organisms  decay.

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