The potato - a source of EMF

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Data Handling

Physics B (Advancing Physics)

Brief: In this coursework I will need to do the following

  • Understand how the data came about
  • Analyse the given data using my knowledge of physics
  • Evaluate and draw conclusions from the graphs

Investigating a Potato as a source of EMF.

Introduction: In this coursework I will be investigating the EMF produced by a potato cell (“a potato cell” in the sense of an electrical device, not a cell from a potato.)

The potato cell generates an “electromotive force” (EMF) by electrical reactions that take place between the chemicals inside the potato and the zinc electrode connected to it.

But how does it work?

The Zinc electrode reacts with the acid inside the potato and a transfer of electrons takes place between the zinc electrode and the acid. The zinc is oxidized to Zn2+ and the acid, whose active ingredient is positively charged hydrogen (H+), is reduced to hydrogen gas (H2).

Zn + 2H+ Zn2+ + H2

Oxidation: Zn  Zn2+ + 2e-

Reduction: 2H+ + 2e- H2

The above redox reaction will happen with or without a copper electrode present in the potato but the copper electrode is used to draw the negative electrons from the cell towards it so that a current can be made to go through the external circuit. Therefore the potato will become a potato cell and a source of EMF.

Presumably the higher the acidic content of the potato the more acid there is to react and so the greater the power of the potato cell. I am unaware of what variety of potato has been used in this experiment and could only really prove this by testing the pH of the potato and then comparing it to another potato.

What is EMF?

EMF is the electrical pressure that pushes current around the circuit and is measured in Volts. Although EMF is measured in Volts it is not the same as Potential difference, which is the electrical pressure difference across an electrical component.

Some of the energy given by the potato cell is used up in the cell itself through having to push the electrons through the system; this is called internal resistance. I imagine that the greater the distance between the two electrodes the greater the internal resistance as more energy will be needed to push the electrons a further distance through the system. Internal resistance may also be caused by impure conductivity of the chemicals in the potato cell.

What is left of the energy after internal resistance is available as p.d. through the circuit which is why the voltage value for EMF is different to the voltage value for p.d.


V = Terminal p.d.

I = Current

r = Internal resistance

R = Load resistance


There are two cases where there is no difference between EMF and V, so that EMF = V, these are:

  1. When there is no internal resistance at all. (V=IR, this is learnt as GCSE where it is assumed there is no internal resistance.)

  1. When no current is flowing.

The values for the equation above can be rearranged and substituted into the straight line equation as is shown below.  


From this I can see that the internal resistance will be the gradient of the graph and that the gradient will also be negative as m = -r.


The EMF will be where the straight line intercepts the Terminal p.d. axis.

From the data I have been given I can now calculate the internal resistance and the EMF of the potato cell. I will then compare the results from the three different distances between the electrodes and draw conclusions.

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I predict that the internal resistance will decrease as the electrodes are moved closer. I also predict that the EMF of the potato will decrease as more and more of the chemicals inside of the potato are being used up over the duration of the experiment; by the time the 3rd set of readings have been taken the potato cell will have reacted with most of the acid and so the EMF produced by the potato will decrease.

In the data I have been given there is a column for the Load Resistance (kΩ). This was recorded by an ...

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