The process of digestion.

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Essay On Digestion

Food gives us energy for the various activities that keep us alive. This  needs to be broken down so that it's small enough to pass into our blood. We have a long tube with many functions running from our mouth to our anus (bottom). This is called the digestive tract. Food is taken through the mouth to the stomach and into the small intestine where it is digested.

Digestion is the complete breakdown of food so it can be absorbed and used by the body for energy. Digested food is absorbed into the blood stream. Food takes about 24 hours to digest. There are organs and glands producing digestive juices that help with digesting this food. The glands are the salivary (spit) glands, pancreas and liver.

Digestion is like taking a house apart, brick by brick. The bricks are the smallest building blocks of the house. In the same way, nutrients are broken down too. Proteins are digested into amino acids, fats into glycerol and fatty acids and carbohydrates into simple sugars (glucose). The blood then carries these to the  where they are needed.

Food is digested in two ways, physically and chemically. There are special organs that chew, tear, churn, squeeze, mix and grind the food, e.g. the teeth tear, chew and grind the food; the stomach churns, grinds and mixes the food. This is called mechanical digestion.

The crushed  is then broken down to even smaller bits by digestive juices containing chemicals called enzymes. Enzymes break food molecules apart. This is called chemical digestion. Mechanical and chemical  occurs at the same time as food moves down the digestive tube.

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Digestion in the Mouth

In the mouth food is chewed into smaller pieces. The teeth are used for biting and crushing the food, while the lips and cheeks prevent the food from falling out.

Pieces of food are mixed with saliva that contains the enzyme (amylase) that breaks down starch into glucose. The food is then swallowed.                                            

Digestion in the stomach

The stomach muscles churn the food and mix it with the digestive juice produced by glands lining the stomach. The digestive juices break down proteins. A meal consisting of porridge will stay for less than ...

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