The purpose of this experiment is to examine the flame colour of selected s-block metal chlorides and the solubility of selected Group II metal sulphates and hydroxides.

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  1. Title

Investigation of s-block elements

  1. Aim

The purpose of this experiment is to examine the flame colour of selected s-block metal chlorides and the solubility of selected Group II metal sulphates and hydroxides.

  1. Results & Calculations

Table 1

Table 2

  1. Discussion

Flame colour: Most s – block elements give a characteristic flame colour in the flame test. The test is done by putting a sample of the elements or their compounds into a non – luminous Bunsen flame. Since the outermost shell electrons of atoms of both Groups I and II elements are weakly held by the nucleus, the electrons are easily excited to higher energy levels upon heating.

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When these electrons return to their ground states, radiation is

emitted. For many Groups I and II elements, the emitted

radiation falls into the visible light region of the

electromagnetic spectrum. Since the amount of energy of the

emitted radiation is quantized, the flame colour is a

characteristic property of the element.

Solubility: When an ionic solid dissolves in water, two

processes are taking place. They are the breakdown of the

ionic lattice, and the subsequent stabilization of the ions by

water molecules ( this process is called hydration ).

When an ionic solid dissolves in water, there must be


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