The transport system in plants moves water soluble molecules by vascular tissue. There are two types of vascular tissue which are Xylem and Phloem.

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Bilaal Hussain

Xylem and Phloem

The transport system in plants moves water soluble molecules by vascular tissue. There are two types of vascular tissue which are Xylem and Phloem. Both of them are specialised to carry out their role in the plant and they are normally found together in vascular bundles throughout the plant. The xylem tissue transports water and soluble minerals up the plant towards the leaves for photosynthesis whereas the phloem tissue transports the sugars made by the reaction up and down the plant to places where it is needed. Both of the tissues are highly specialised and they have other tissues accompanying them in the vascular bundles to give strength. Most importantly the tissues do not use any energy or transport mechanism to move the water based molecules however the water or water based substance itself has cohesive properties. The cohesive properties of water cause molecules to attract to each other and the surface tension in the vessels keeps it moving up towards the leaves. As the water on the leaves is evaporating or being used in a process it causes water to move up the plant and more water to be taken in by the root’s which is also seen as an ongoing cycle.

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The xylems are many endless vessels starting from the roots and going to all the area of a plant. The walls of the vessel are made up of dead cells strengthened by lignin forming an endless tube. The lignin is water proof and strengthens the vessels and internal structure which prevents the vessels collapsing when there is a low pressure potential of water inside which maybe in summer time when less water is available.

The lignin forms patterns in the wall which ...

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*** This is a summary of the roles of xylem and phloem. It is too short to explain ideas fully, some relevant biology is missing altogether, and in places scientific language has not been used carefully.