The Use of Enzymes in Biotechnology.

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Felice Cartz

Mrs Naranthera

The Use of Enzymes in Biotechnology

Enzymes are biological catalysts, which are able to speed up chemical reactions without changing their conditions. They work on compounds called substrate molecules, and can either break them down (catabolic reactions), or join them together to make new molecules (anabolic reactions). Enzymes lower the activation energy of a reaction, meaning that less ATP is required for it to take place. It is this which speeds up the rate of the reaction. Enzymes are globular proteins, which explains why they have a distinctive tertiary structure. Each enzyme has a different shape and forms a pocket known as the active site, which is where the substrate molecule binds. The shape of the substrate must compliment the shape of the active site, in order for it to function. This idea was put forward by the theory of induced fit.

There are many different factors which affect enzyme activity, a significant one being the effect of temperature. An increased temperature provides more heat and kinetic energy to the particles within the reaction, which makes them move faster. This results in an increase in the number of collisions between enzymes and substrate molecules, meaning that more of the desired product will be made in less time. Other factors which affect enzyme activity include pH levels, substrate concentration and enzyme concentration.

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Using enzymes can be very advantageous. They are specific to their reactions, which prevents the creation of unwanted products and they don’t require extreme conditions in order to work, therefore reducing costs. In addition to this, enzymes are biodegradable and subsequently have a less damaging effect on the environment. These reasons explain why enzymes are so widely used in industry; the main ones being in the production of dairy & alcoholic products, leather and biological washing powders.

The food industry is probably the most unknown to the public which uses enzymes. They are used for a number of ...

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