There are many different components that would be needed in order to produce or construct a Random number generator or in this case the Electronic Die.

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There are many different components that would be needed in order to produce or construct a Random number generator or in this case the Electronic Die.


Although knowledge of the details of the construction of components is not required by the syllabus, there are occasions when such knowledge will help with an understanding of how the components works.  When this is felt to be the case, details of construction are included below for information.

Apart from the actual value of a component, there are four other factors to consider when selecting a component for a circuit.

  1. The physical size of the component.  Some applications demand miniature components, e.g. mobile phones.  The use of Surface Mounted Devices (SMDs) is essential in such applications, while the use of leaded components is often more useful in circuits like wshing machine controllers, where space is not important.

  1. The cost of the components.  Very cheap components should not be used if it is likely to affect the reliability of the electronic system, especially in critical applications e.g. The Engine Management Units in cars!

  1. The power rating of the component.  Whenever a current passes through a component that has resistance, power is dissipated and the component will become hot.  It is important when selecting components to ensure that the component is able to withstand more than the maximum power that is it likely to be subjected to in the worst possible case.  This means that when selecting a component with a suitable power rating, the maximum power to be dissipated in the worst case should be calculated and then a component with a slightly higher power rating should be selected.

  1. The voltage rating of the component. This is of primary importance with capacitors and semiconductors.  If the voltage rating of a component is exceeded in the circuit then the electrons will have enough energy to make an excessive current flow, causing the component to dissipate power and so fail.  As with the power rating of a component, the maximum voltage to be encountered by the component should be calculated and then a component with a higher voltage should be selected.
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Passive Components

Components are said to be Passive if they are unable to provide any power amplification.  This means that components such as resistors, capacitors, normal diodes, LEDs etc. are described as passive.  Section 6.2 deals with active components, which are able to provide power again.  These include such devices as transistors and MOSFETs.

They are however, the only way to obtain large value capacitors that are physically small.  Capacitors made from Tantalum have better characteristics than normal electrolytic capacitors but are considerably more expensive.

Electrolytic capacitors are mainly used for smoothing and decoupling (removal of ...

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