To carry out an investigation into the denaturing of immobilised lactase enzymes in relation to thermodynamics.

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To carry out an investigation into the denaturing of immobilised lactase enzymes in relation to thermodynamics.


        Lactose is a disaccharide and is the sugar naturally present in milk.  During the manufacture of milk products, the water contained in milk must be removed in order to thicken the product.  This concentration can be done in various ways however always results in a significant loss in lactose.  Due to this, those with some degree of lactose intolerance more easily consume products.  Although milk products are highly regarded by consumers for their nutritional value and therefore easy to sell, lactose presents hardly any commercial value.  Food manufacturers often don’t know what to do with it and often end up disposing of this sugar in effluents to the rivers.  One of the reasons that make it difficult to find a use for lactose is the fact that some consumers are unable to digest it.  This makes the use of lactose a highly important issue in many parts of the world.  Currently, lactose is used primarily as a filler or sweetener, and can be found in small amounts in infant and dietary foods and coffee whiteners.

        Lactose is very inexpensive due to its existence in great amounts. The splitting of lactose can be brought about with the use of the enzyme, lactase, into its components, the monosaccharides glucose and galactose.  These can then be put to use as sugars.


   Lactose                                Glucose               +               Galactose

(disaccharide)                            (monosaccharide)          (monosaccharide)

        Lactase, a biological catalyst (enzyme) can be found in the body, and is specific to the digestion of lactose. Lactase works best in temperatures of between 40°C-45°C.  I am going to investigate whether the same is true for lactase when it is immobilised, and how temperature affects its catalytic activity.



        Enzymes act as biological catalysts; they increase the rate of chemical reactions.  The substrate is the substance with which the enzyme combines; it does so at a particular place on the enzymes surface referred to as the active site.  Unlike chemical catalysts, enzymes are specific.  This means that the enzyme will usually only catalyse one reaction because only one specific substrate will fit into its active site.  Enzyme molecules are usually very much larger than their substrates, and the active site is only 3 to 12 amino acid residues.  The rest of the enzyme is involved with maintaining the shape of the active site.  The precise shape of the active site is extremely important as it determines which substrates it will and will not combine with.  The “lock and key” mechanism is often used to describe the combination of a substrate molecule and an active site which come together to form and enzyme-substrate complex.

        In living cells, most chemical reactions require an input of energy before the molecules will react together.  This is referred to as activation energy.  This can b understood more easily when comparing the reaction to a boulder on a hill.  The boulder near the top represents the energy level of the reactants and the energy you have to put in to push the boulder to the very top represents the free energy activation. Once the reactants reach this point, the reaction will proceed spontaneously, as the boulder rolls down and the products are formed.

        Enzymes reduce free energy activation therefore speeding up reaction rates.  The enzyme-substrate complex creates a new energy profile, for the reaction, with lower free energy activation.

        Once the reaction has taken place and the products have been formed, they leave the active site of the enzyme, which is then left free to create new enzyme-substrate complexes.  Enzymes, like chemical catalysts, are not used up in the catalysis of a reaction and therefore can be used again repeatedly.

        Enzymes, being proteins, are sensitive to changes in their environment.  My aim is to investigate the effect of temperature on immobilised enzymes.

        Theoretically, a rise in temperature will increase the kinetic energy of enzyme and substrate molecules, and therefore will tend to increase the rate of chemical reaction.  This is due to a higher collision rate caused by the increased kinetic energy making it more likely for enzyme and substrate molecules to collide resulting in more enzyme-substrate complexes.  However, increases in temperature will also affect the stability of the enzyme molecule.  The precise shape of the active site is essential for catalytic activity so, in the event of change in shape of the active site, the enzyme will be unable to combine with the substrate molecule.  The enzyme will have an optimum temperature at which it functions most rapidly.  Optimum temperatures differ between enzymes.  At temperatures above the optimum the enzyme rapidly loses its activity and becomes progressively denatured.  This means it is unable to combine with the substrate and therefore has lost its catalytic properties.  

This is caused when the temperature gets too high because the active site becomes progressively more altered in shape until it is no longer able to combine with the substrate to form enzyme-substrate complexes at which point it is said that enzyme has completely denatured.  Denaturation, however, is time-dependant so exposure to a high temperature for a brief period of time will have less effect on the enzyme than prolonged exposure.  

        The optimum temperature for un-immobilised lactase enzyme is 40°C-45°C so I would expect immobilised lactase to require either a longer period of time at a temperature above the optimum (of lactase) or the use of a slightly higher temperature for denaturing to occur.  My theory for this is due to the matrix surrounding the immobilised enzymes, which act as a barrier therefore taking heat longer to reach the enzyme and take effect.

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Preliminary Work

As preliminary work a “trial experiment” will be set up where a number of variables are kept constant apart from temperature.  The enzyme used for the experiment will be lactase, used to breakdown the substrate lactose to form the monosaccharides glucose and galactose.  The amount of glucose produced will be measured with the use of Benedict’s solution and then the colorimeter to gain a quantitative result. These results will indicate when a reaction is still taking place and whether or not the enzyme is still working whereby lactose is still being broken down by the ...

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