To estimate the sugar content of different fruit solutions.

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Quantitative Estimation of Sugars

Aim: to estimate the sugar content of different fruit solutions.


Lemon, Melon and Grape are all fruits which contain carbohydrates which include reducing sugars. Glucose is a hexose sugar.

Benedict's solution is a deep-blue alkaline solution used to test for the aldehyde functional group, CHO - which are present in reducing sugars. Benedict's solution changes colour when a reducing sugar is present because of a chemical reaction, which reduces the Copper II sulphate (which is soluble) to copper I oxide, which is insoluble and produces a precipitate. The benedict's solution changes colour from blue to green, yellow, orange, brown and finally red - as the amount of sugar increases.

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I expect to find that lemon will have the least sugar content and the melon to have the most. I predict that Melon juice would have the a more red precipitate colour solution followed by grape juice with a slight brownish yellow precipitate, then will be lemon juice with the lightest colour of these precipitate.


In order for this experiment to work we had to be extremely accurate with measurements. This is why we chose to use a graduated pipette and a different one each time.

Glucose concentrations:  0.5 %, 1%, 2%, 5%, ...

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*** This is a clear description of the investigation but would be improved by greater attention to detail and more complete explanations. The analysis is relatively weak.