To Investigate an Enzymes Reaction.

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Enzyme Experiment                Biology Coursework



In this investigation I am trying to find out how a substrate concentration can affect the rate of reaction of the catalase, (catalase is the fastest enzyme known).

Enzymes make reactions happen at a much faster rate and come in two main types; Breakers (break up large molecules into smaller ones) and Builders (joins small molecules together to make large ones). Enzymes are specific, they will only act on one particular substrate as the substrate has to fit the enzyme’s active site.

This diagram shows how a breaker enzyme works:

Here is how a builder enzyme works:

For my experiment, the substrate I am going to use will be Hydrogen Peroxide (H2O2) and I will extract the enzyme from soaked peas that have been peeled, split and crushed using a pestle and mortar. The peas contain an enzyme called catalase and this is what causes the breakdown of hydrogen peroxide into water and oxygen speed up.  

Input and Outcome

I will be changing the concentration of Hydrogen Peroxide (the substrate) by mixing it with water each time. I will use six different concentrations of the substrate and go down in the amount of percentage used.

E.g.        100% - H2O2,        80% - H2O2 + 20% - H2O,   60% - H2O2 + 40% - H2O etc.

I will see what happens to the rate of reaction of the enzyme catalase. I will measure this by measuring how high the bubbles go in the test tube, and will do this over so many periods of time. I will do this for 2 minutes and check every 20 seconds. I will put some of the crushed down peas into a test tube and then add the substrate and do what I need to do on my method (the instructions and order of experiment) in order to record a result for each of the amounts of peas and H2O2. Because the peas are crushed this should help them to release more catalase and speed up the experiment. I will repeat my experiment three times to get an average amount of results.


To be able to conduct my experiment I will need:

  • Peas – (soaked, peeled and split)
  • Pestle & mortar (to breakdown the peas)
  • 6 test tubes & rack (labelled with the amount of H2O2 they contain)
  • Hydrogen Peroxide
  • Water
  • Ruler
  • Stopwatch
  • Syringe (measure out the amount of water & H2O2)
  • Scales (weigh the amount of peas)
  • A beaker (to put the amount of concentration into each time, so I know I will be adding it to the enzyme instead of the other way round)
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My prediction of this experiment is that the stronger the concentration of the substrate (H2O2), the faster the reaction will become. Water does not react with the peas and therefore will slow the reaction down. This is because there is a less chance of the enzyme and substrate colliding together in order to react.

This is the formula used in this reaction:


Hydrogen Peroxide                         water        +  oxygen


H2O2                                H2O        +     O2        

The water will slow down the reaction as it will dilute the H2O2 down and because the ...

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