To investigate the effect of pH and temperature on the rate of hydrolysis of starch using the enzyme diastase.

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To investigate the effect of pH and temperature on the rate of hydrolysis of starch using the enzyme diastase.

To be able to investigate the effects of the above aim, the theory of how enzymes work and what affects them needs to be first looked into:


What Are Enzymes?

Enzymes are protein molecules, which can be defined as biological catalysts. A catalyst is a molecule that speeds up a chemical reaction, but remains unchanged at the end of the reaction. Enzymes are globular proteins , which is a tertiary structure.

Individual amino acids are joined together by peptide bonds by condensation reactions forming a linear chain (see Fig 1). This is called a primary structure.

Fig 1

It is maintained by covalent bonds between adjacent amino acids. A polypeptide chain often coils into a α-helix due to hydrogen bonds between neighbouring C=O and N=O groups. This is a secondary structure. The secondary structure itself can be coiled or folded. The shape of the molecule is very precise and held in this exact shape by bonds between amino acids in different parts of the chain. Hydrogen bonds, disulphide bonds between the cysteine molecules (which is an amino acids that contains sulphur, C3H7NO2S), ionic bonds between ionised amine and carboxylic groups and van der Waals interactions between non-polar side chains keeping the tertiary structure in place. The globular protein is a tertiary structure.

Globular proteins usually curl up so that their non-polar, hydrophobic (water hating) R groups point into the centre of the molecule. The polar, hydrophilic (water loving) R groups remain on the outside making the molecule soluble.

Enzymes are specific; the tertiary structure gives a specific shape to the active site so that only the substrate can fit. Therefore if the bonds are broken within an enzyme the shape will alter not allowing the substrate to fit.

Mechanism of Enzyme Action – Lock and Key

This explains the great specificity of enzymes for substrates and also why changes in the enzymes three-dimensional shape cause alterations to enzyme activity. Fig 2

Factors Affecting Enzyme Controlled Reactions

Effect of Temperature

Initially the more heat that is given, the faster the molecules move thus increasing the number of collisions that have sufficient energy to bring about the reaction. However above a certain temperature the structure of the enzyme molecule vibrates so energetically that some of the bonds holding the enzyme molecule in its precise shape begin to break and the enzyme is said to be denatured. When this happens it is most unlikely that the three-dimensional shape will reform on cooling.

 Fig 3

The effect of temperature on the rate of a reaction can be expressed as the temperature coefficient Q10.


Q10 =  rate of reaction at (x + 100C)


Rate of reaction at x

Over a range of 0-40 0C, Q10  for an enzyme-controlled reaction is 2, meaning the reaction rate is doubled for every rise of 10 0C . The temperature that promotes maximum activity is referred to as the optimum temperature. If the temperature is increased above this level, then a decrease in the rate of reaction occurs despite the increasing frequency of collisions, as explained above. However if temperature is reduced to near or below freezing point, enzymes are inactivated, not denatured. They will regain their catalytic influence when higher temperatures are restored.

Effect of pH

Enzymes are sensitive to changes in pH. They contain groups that can act as acids and bases, donating or accepting protons, when the pH changes. This can change the number of ionic bonds and hydrogen bonds present and therefore affect their three-dimensional arrangement. Acidic amino acids have carboxyl functional groups in their side chains. Basic amino acids have amine functional groups in their side chains. If the state of ionisation of amino acids in a protein is altered then the ionic bonds that help to determine the 3-D shape of the protein can be altered. This can lead to altered protein recognition or an enzyme might become inactive. A pH that is very different from the optimum pH can cause denaturation. The optimum pH value for most enzymes lies between pH 5 and pH 9. pH can have an effect of the state of ionisation of acidic or basic amino acids.

Fig 4

Substrate Concentration

As substrate concentration increases, the initial rate of reaction increases. The more substrate molecules there are around, the more often an enzymes active site is working. If more substrate is added, the enzyme cannot work any faster.

   Fig 5

Enzyme Concentration

Figure 6 shows that the initial rate of reaction increases linearly. In these conditions, the reaction rate is directly proportional to the enzyme concentration.

Fig 6

Enzyme Inhibitors

There are two sorts of enzyme inhibition:

  1. Reversible - the activity of the enzyme is restored when the inhibitor is removed.
  • Competitive Inhibition – the inhibitor becomes attached to the active site so that the substrate cannot bind.
  • Non-competitive Inhibitor – this is still reversible but increasing the ratio of substrate molecules cannot reduce the degree of inhibition. The inhibitor becomes attached to the enzyme, not the active site. The enzyme and/or the substrate become changed and the enzyme activity stops.

  1. Non-reversible Inhibitors – they bind firmly to the active site permanently.

N.B Iodine affects the reaction between starch and diastase. Thus no iodine will be                      placed in the reacting mixture.


Most enzymes have been found to contain non-protein groups, which are essential for catalytic activity. In regards to this reaction between starch and diastase, sodium chloride is the cofactor needed.


This is an enzyme mixture common in seeds, which is responsible for starch hydrolysis. The mixture contains amylases for conversion of starch to maltose and maltase for conversion of maltose to glucose.

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This will be used in the experiments to show the progress of the reaction. Iodine reacts with starch to produce a black/ blue colour. This colour indicates the presence of starch. Thus when there is no positive starch test it shows that it has been broken down by the enzyme.


From the research several points can be made:

  • It is important that no inhibitors are present in the reacting mixture between starch and diastase, as this will affect the results on the effect of pH and temperature.
  • The pH also needs to be ...

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