To what extent do you agree with the view that "Parliament is a policy influencing body, whereas congress is a policy making body".

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Enzymes are biological catalysts. A catalyst is defined as a substance that increases the rate of a chemical reaction without itself undergoing any permanentchange. Enzymes do precisely this in living things. Without them, the rate of the reactions would be so slow as to cause serious, if not fatal, damage. Enzymes have two main functions: To act as highly specific catalysts, and also to provide a way of controlling reactions, the amount of enzyme determines how quickly the reaction can proceed.

Enzymes are usually globular proteins (some have been found to be RNA molecules that can act as enzymes) and have a specific three-dimensional shape. Enzyme molecules have a complicated three-dimensional shape due to the particular way the amino acid chain that makes up the protein is folded. An enzymes three-dimensional shape is called its tertiary structure. A few of the amino acids on the surface of the molecule fold inwards to make a specific indentation, called the active site, into which a particular substrate can fit, this is the where the reactions occur. Enzymes are substrate specific. The active site of each different enzyme has its own particular tertiary structure, so only a substrate with a complementary shape will fit; we say it has a highly specific shape. In order to work, an enzyme must temporarily bond with a substrate; the substrate binds to the active site mainly with hydrogen bonds. Binding to the active site makes the substrate react more quickly. The substance produced at the end of a reaction between an enzyme and a substrate, is called the product. There may be more than one substrate or more than one product. The explanation of how enzymes catalyse reactions is called the lock and key hypothesis. The enzyme is the 'lock' and the substrate is the 'key'. Therefore the theory states that the substrate fits into the active site like a key fitting into a lock. Below is a diagram of the lock and key hypothesis.

The above diagram shows a two-dimensional representation of an enzyme binding with a substrate molecule and them reacting together to form an enzyme-substrate complex, then an enzyme-product complex and finally the product leaving the active site. The enzyme is not changed in any way by the reaction and so is reusable. The same enzyme can also catalyse the reverse reaction.

However, it has been discovered that competitors for an active site (similar in shape to the substrate) could fit even though they are larger than the substrate. This means that the substrate and active site are a little flexible. This is known as the induced fit hypothesis this hypothesis suggests, the substrate does not simply bind with the active site. It has to bring about changes to the shape of the active site to activate the enzyme and make the reaction possible. So small molecules may enter the active site, but they cannot induce the changes in shape to make the enzyme behave like a catalyst. The hypothesis suggests that when the enzyme's active site comes into contact with the right substrate, the active site slightly changes or moulds itself around the substrate for an effective fit (the substrate induces the active site to change shape). The reaction will take place and the product, being a different shape to the substrate, moves away from the active site. The active site then returns to its original shape. This shape adjustment triggers catalysis and helps to explain why enzymes only catalyse specific reactions. Below is a two-dimensional diagram to show the induced fit hypothesis.

Reactions proceed because the products have less energy than the substrates. However, most substrates require an input of energy to get the reaction going. The energy required to initiate the reaction is called the activation energy. When the substrate reacts, they need to form a complex called the transition state before the reaction actually occurs. This transition state has a higher energy level than either the substrates or the product. Outside the body, high temperatures often supply the energy required for a reaction. This would be hazardous inside the body though. Fortunately enzymes provide an alternative way with a different transition state and lower activation energy. Below is a graph showing that the activation energy of a reaction is smaller in the presence of an enzyme.

The active site is held together by hydrogen bonds and ionic bonds. If the bonds break, the shape of the active site changes, and therefore the enzyme can no longer act as a catalyst, it is denatured. There are two factors that can affect an enzyme's shape, and therefore how much it functions, are temperature and pH. The temperature at which an enzyme works best is known as its optimum temperature. Below this, an increase in temperature provides more kinetic energy to the molecules involved. The numbers of collisions between enzyme and substrate will increase so the rate of reaction will too. Above the optimum temperature, and the enzymes are denatured, because the kinetic energy causes the enzyme to vibrate, if the enzymes vibrate too much then the bonds holding the structure together will be broken and the active site loses its shape and will no longer work. Most enzymes have an optimum temperature between 40 and 50°C.

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The pH at which an enzyme works best is called it optimum pH. pH is a measure of hydrogen ions (H+), or the number of hydrogen ions in a certain volume. The concentration of hydrogen ions affects the bonds and ionic bonds. If the pH changes much from the optimum, the chemical nature of the amino acids can change. This may result in a change in the bonds and so the tertiary structure may break down. The active site will be disrupted and the enzyme will be denatured.

Some enzymes are exceptions to these temperatures and pHs. Some enzymes can ...

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