Vitamin C Practical Experiment Write Up

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Vitamin C Practical Experiment


Based on knowledge already at hand, My hypothesis will be that freshly squeezed juice will contain more vitamin C compared to juices that are from concentrate and that juice from lemons will contain more vitamin C due to their acidity.


Variables such as temperature could affect the results that are collected, as much as can be done to control the temperature to make the results accurate will be done, holding samples with hands can increase the temperature slightly so they will be handled by the lip of the vial and placed into a rack.

When testing samples multiple times I will ensure that the equipment  cleaned and dried or if possible new as the pH of water might affect the reaction of DCPIP and ascorbic acid, water can also affect the results depending on whether it is ‘hard water’ or ‘soft water’, hard water contains more mineral and more chlorine is present.

Measuring will be as close to as possible accurate, this will include re-measuring samples.

I will be measuring the amount of juice sample solution it takes to decolourise 1cm of DCPIP, first I will use a controlled sample of 1% vitamin C to decolourise the DCPIP, and with this I can compare results from the other juice samples. The measurements will be taken with a pipette and released into the DCPIP 1ml at a time, each time 1ml is released it will be shaken to allow a fair mix of solution, and this will be repeated on till decolourisation.

Vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid) has a pH of under 4-5 when diluted with water

DCPIP, 2,6-dichlorophenolindophenol, which is a dye used to monitor light reaction in photosynthesis

Apparatus & Chemicals;


Fruit Juice Samples

DCPIP 1% Solution

Test tubes

Test tube rack

Burette (Possibly)

Glass Rod (Possibly)

I have decided to use test tubes because they provide a clear sight into the experiment at hand, they are also smaller then Pyrex beakers which would spread the solution over a large surface where as a test tube would make it easier to establish decolourisation.

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Pipettes are a fast way to measure the solution with a limited amount of time, it is a suitable and vital piece of apparatus however there might be a probably with used pipettes as they can have dents from previous experiments and would only be accurate to around 0.0ml-0.2ml when measuring solutions.

A burette would allow an accurate measure of how much solution has been added into the DCPIP, probably a greater accuracy then using a pipette.

A glass rod would allow a fair mixing of the solution but the effects on the results are unknown.


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