You are required to plan a procedure that will allow you to compare quantitatively the glucose concentrations in samples of fresh orange, lemon and grapefruit.

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You are required to plan a procedure that will allow you to compare quantitatively the glucose concentrations in samples of fresh orange, lemon and grapefruit.

        I predict that orange juice is the most concentrated out of the three juices. Orange juice should have a higher concentration of glucose, followed by Grapefruit then lemon. I have predicted this because of a source I have obtained which showed that orange has the greatest number of grams of monosaccharide.

(“Manuel of Nutrition” by J. Mafa)

If there is a greater number of monosaccharides there would be a higher concentration of glucose present. Benedict’s test can prove this as the more reducing sugar present the greater the amount and the darker the colour of the precipitate.

A Benedict’s test is a test, which can be used to show the presence of reducing sugars.

I predict that orange juice would have the a more red precipitate colour solution followed by grapefruit with a slight brownish yellow precipitate, then will be lemon juice with the lightest colours of these precipitate. I predict that the orange juice will form a more reddish colour then the grapefruit or the lemon juice, this is based on the amounts of monosaccharides in grams shown above. To prove my prediction I will require quantitative results, this can be done by carrying out an colorimetry experiment

The experiment that I am planning involves the use of a Food Test for Reducing Sugars. This test is done by mixing an equal volume of Benedicts solution, to the test solution. It is then heated in a water bath for approximately 2 minutes 30 seconds. If a precipitate has formed it shows that sugars are present. I am also going to be using quantitative Benedicts solution as weighing a precipitate will give me more accurate results. 

Orange, lemon and grapefruit are all fruits that contain carbohydrates that include reducing sugars. Glucose is a Hexose C6 H12 O6. Glucose forms a ring shape known as a pyraiose. Two Isomers also occur called (α and β)

Source: (

Benedict’s solution is a deep-blue alkaline solution used to test for the presence of the aldehyde functional group, CHO – which are present in reducing sugars. Benedict’s solution changes colour when a reducing sugar is present because of a chemical reaction, which reduces the Copper II sulphate (which is soluble) to copper I oxide, which is insoluble and produces a precipitate. The benedict’s solution changes colour from blue to green, yellow, orange, brown and finally red – as the amount of sugar increases. Also I have taken into account that Benidict’s only produces semi-quantitative results. Therefore will use colorimeter to make it quantitative.

A colorimeter can be used to show absorbance readings of different solutions. The way it is that the solution is placed into a cuvette, which then is placed in the colorimeter; with the clear side of the cuvette inline with the arrow on the colorimeter. Then a beam of light is passed through the cuvette, and this then is received on a sensor on the other side. If the solution has a low concentration of glucose, there will be more light being received on the sensor and therefore the absorbance reading will be low. After doing this on my known glucose solutions after Benedict’s test, I can use these readings to plot a standard curve, which can be used to determine the percentage of glucose in the three juices from their values of absorbance.  

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Pliminary experiment- Prior to the planning of this experiment, an experiment was conducted. This experiment is very similar to the one done previously, in the sense that absorbance and glucose concentration was also being tested for. I tried to put me solution in water baths to find a ideal temperature and time. I found that an ideal temperature would be 100°C as this produced the best results and a ideal was 2mins 30seconds therefore I decided to use these for this experiment. I found that when the light over the colorimeter was blocked it increased the absorbance reading. Therefore ...

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