Assess the claim that the main function of education is to maintain a value consensus in society

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Assess the claim that ‘the main function of education is to maintain a value consensus in society’ (20)

Different theorists believe in different functions of the education system, some think it as promoting value consensus and some see otherwise.

Functionalists believe that education transmits society’s norms and values and therefore promotes value consensus, with the educational and economic system working hand in hand to develop the skills required for the world of work.

Emile Durkheim provides the basic framework of the functionalists view on the education system, agreeing with its function of transmitting norms and values. He believed that for society to operate effectively they have to develop a sense of belonging to something, becoming ‘social beings’ with a loyalty and commitment to society as a whole. The education system creates this effectively by teaching subjects such as history, which enables children to see the link between themselves and wider society. He argued that you must learn to cooperate with everyone, whether they are friends, family or just acquaintances, which can only be learnt at school and not at home. Durkheim also believed punishments should reflect the damage done and made clear that the transgressor will be punished by strictly enforcing school rules to help pupils learn what is wrong in society as a whole. He finally argued that education teaches individuals specific skills necessary for future occupations, with industrial society being united by value consensus and a specialised division of labour whereby specialists combine and produce goods and services.

Criticisms of the functionalist view on education include;

  • Functionalists assume that pupils have an equal chance of success; however working class pupils and some ethnic minorities underachieve at school.
  • It can be argued that the education system keeps people in a disadvantaged position rather than advances them e.g. the middles class usual get middles class jobs.
  • It is questionable that a skilled workforce is met by the education system. It is hard to see a direct link between many school subjects and the world of work.

Also Durkheim’s view has also been heavily criticised;

  • He assumes societies have a shared culture which is transmitted through education. Countries like Britain are now multi-cultured and it is debatable whether there is a single culture on which school base their curriculum
  • Marxists argue that education transmits a dominant culture which serves the interests of the ruling class rather than society as a whole.
  • He ignores inequality in the education system e.g. between gender, class and ethnicity. Education is unequal and not everybody agrees on the values they are taught at school.
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David Hargreaves also criticises Durkheim’s view on the comprehensive school, claiming it puts too much emphasis on developing the individual and not enough on the responsibilities the individual should have towards group life. He also goes on to say it isn’t clear that education in modern Britain succeeds in transmitting shared values/social solidarity and that Durkheim also assumes that the norms and values are those of society as a whole rather than those of the ruling elite.

Talcott Parsons developed Durkheim’s ideas, arguing several points;

  • Parsons argued that education performs an important socialising function, ensuring value ...

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