Assess the Postmodernist view that we are free to adopt any identity through our leisure choices

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Assess the Postmodernist view that we are free to adopt any identity through our leisure choices (24 marks)

A postmodernist perspective sees the boundaries between social class and leisure have become blurred. This is because, regardless of our social class, we can all pick and choose how we spend our leisure time.

Postmodernists have an optimistic view about everyone having the ability to express their identity through their activity as consumers. However, it is important to recognise that while most people can afford a range of leisure activities such as holiday, income does limit our choices in leisure and consumption. We can all visit the same shops, but some can afford more choices than others; some leisure activities are not accessible to all.

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A postmodernist researcher called Baudrillard says we live in a media saturated society - in a globalised popular culture the mass media presents us with massive choice of leisure, lifestyle, images and identities drawn from across the world.

Others like Lyotard (1984) argue metanarratives (an explanation for everything that happens in a society) no longer explain the identities people adopt.

Rojeck (1995) and Roberts (1978, 1986) believe leisure and consumption are far more important in shaping our identities than our social position

Bocock (2004) asserts that people are not shopping for products they are shopping for lifestyles.

However, Marxist like ...

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