Assess the right realist view that crime is the result of biological rational factors and therefore best solved by formal social control.

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Charlie Thompson

Assess the right realist view that crime is the result of biological rational factors and therefore best solved by formal social

In this essay, discussed is the causes and solutions for crime according to right and left realists. The questions answered are going to be, is crime a real problem or is it socially constructed according to the labelling theory or is the root cause of crime the fact that society is unequal or that control and punishment isn’t strong enough. Discussed in this essay is going to be right realist ideas on society into crime and deviance. This will come from the likes of James Q Wilson and Richard J. Hernstein who believe that that crime is caused by a combination of biology and social factors. Charles Murray however believes that most crime comes from the underclass (working class people behaving in an anti social way, so one believes that people are socialised into crime. One other right realist theory is Ron Clarke’s idea that people decide whether to commit crime or not based on weighing up the costs and benefits, called the Rational Choice Theory. The final theory is the tacking crime theory which was devised by Wilson and Kelling in an article ‘broken windows’ who believes that it is essential to maintain an ordered society as any sign of deterioration could cause further crime.

On the other side of the argument, discussed will be the left realist view who see society as an unequal capitalist one. However, unlike Marxists left realists would like to reform than revolutionise. Discussed from the left realist theories so going to be Young and Lea who believe they have the answer to why crime is caused. One believed that it was a combination or relative depravation (people who believe they are deprived around others) and individualism which are the desire for freedom. These pair of sociologists believes that these two combined make a lethal combination. Young extends the debate by saying that subcultures still subscribe to the values and goals of mainstream society. One other topic in the left relist debate is marginalisation. These groups lack clear goals and organisation to represent them, which cause frustration leading to violence and rioting. Modern society and exclusion has been highly influential for helping sociologists to understand crime. Young believes that the economy is moving away from skilled and unskilled jobs which are causing the working class to be unemployed and excluded as the upper class are pricing them out of the market. The final point being made is how the left realists think society should do to tackle crime, who believes that crime needs too have a multi agency approach.

In conclusion it will become clear throughout the essay that although the solution could be a left realist view of informal social control such as better housing, however there have too be more forceful measures into deterring criminals, such as the views of the right realists. They believe that it would be best for crime and deviance to be solved by formal social control such as harder prison sentences due to the fact that it will deter people from doing the crime again. It is not a good idea either for rehabilitation for the deviants in society due to the fact that this may not contain the threat of social cohesion. Out of these right realists theories, Charles Murrays idea that the working class are welfare dependant that can cause anti social behaviour, is a very strong case that formal social control such as reducing or withdrawing benefits should be done.

Realist approaches emerged in the 1970’s and 80’s in the political context of a shift to the right wing in politics. On both sides of the Atlantic, New right conservative governments came to power, led by Margaret Thatcher in the UK and Ronald Regan in the US. These policies include people should pay less tax, and the welfare state should go and people should take responsibility for them. They believe in the individuality theory, which people should work to strive the goals set by them, but by not society as a whole. This makes them different from left wing politics such as the Labour party in England who believes that society should be collectivist so that people should work together and help out the deprived. Unlike the right wing conservatives, they believe that people should pay the amount of tax they can afford so some people may end up paying more than others. They also believe that society needs the welfare state because it acts as a safety net to catch those who need it in society such as the disabled. These right and left wing political policies have influenced sociologists into determining if society should be controlled formally or informally.

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Right realists reject the idea put forward by Marxists and others that structural or economic factor such as poverty and inequality are the cause of crime. James Wilson and Richard Hernstein put forward a biosocial theory of criminal behaviour. In their view, they believe that crime is caused by a combination of biological and social factors. Biological differences between individuals make some people innately more strongly predisposed to commit crime than others. For example, personality traits such as aggressiveness and risk taking put some people at greater risk of offending. This biological idea is also backed up by Herrnstein ...

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