Assess the Sociological explanations of social class differences

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Assess the Sociological explanations of social class differences

In crime rates.

According to the crime rate in England and Wales, the most committed crime amongst male and females was; theft and handling of stolen goods. These crimes, and similar to most crimes are mostly committed by the working-class; nevertheless this is not to say that other social class do not commit crimes. Explanation for crime and deviance in society has been attempted to be explained by many sociologists, for example labelling theory, subculture theory and also left/right realist. However they focus on working-class crimes, and fail to provide an explanation for middle-class.

High crime rates amongst working class people may be down to the targeting of working class people, as explained by internationalist. According to intereactionist acts labelled as deviant tend to be committed by certain types of people. For example, police tend to target specific groups, of whom were mostly likely working-class. This is due to the perception held by the police of the ‘typical criminal’, they are more likely to see the activities of young men from the lower levels of the class structure and from certain ethnic minority groups as suspicious. The middle-class minority who were arrested were usually cautioned and released. Thus they were more likely to b arrested, and take up numbers in crime statistics.

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One of the explanations of crime and deviance was given by Karl Marx. He believed it was generated by the structure of capitalist society. Capitalism is an economic structure base on the private ownership of the means of production and the maximisation of profit.  It is a competitive system which encourages aggression and emphasises the importance of winning. People become so obsessed with personal gain and coming out on top that breaking the law seems a minor barrier to success. This is one of many reasons why Marx wanted the abolishment of capitalism, and regarded communism as utopia.


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