Assess the usefulness of functionalist theories in explaining crime and deviance

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  Assess the usefulness of functionalist theories in explaining crime and deviance (21 Marks)

The functionalist approach to analysing deviance and the causes of crime looks at society as a whole. It explains crime and deviance by saying that the source of deviance lies in the nature of society itself rather than in psychology or biology. It should be noted that functionalists see deviance as an inevitable and necessary part of society. Some also consider deviance to have positive aspects for society. In this essay we will assess the usefulness of these functionalist theories, and look at how it helps us explain crime and deviance.

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Deviance is the breaking of a social code. Social codes exist because of the shared agreement in society general about what is right and wrong. Society as a whole sees crime and deviance as wrong and punishable.

However, Functionalist sociologist, Durkheim, claims that a certain, limited amount of crime is necessary in society for it to exist. He says that a certain amount of crime means that when the offenders get punished it raises awareness about crime to the rest of the society. The punishment of the offenders can act as a deterrent to others. This is through things such ...

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