Be Prepared to Expect the Unexpected.

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Kamal Patel 4V                                                16th September 2003

Be Prepared to Expect the Unexpected

        Out of all the teachers in this school it was just my luck that I had to get Mr Crook as my form teacher and my maths teacher. The evilest teacher that ever taught at this school, anyway that was what I had heard from the older boys. It was almost like you could sense his presence. As he walked passed the corridors all the conversations wood immediately stop, the air would fill with silence. If he heard a sound from any bodies mouth he would give a stare that was as dangerous as a snakes bite, it burned and stung and was sure to leave a scare for the rest of the day. As he left the building the mass sound of whispers filled the room as the pupils were still afraid to talk encase he returned.

      As soon as the bell went we all ran to our class rooms to get the best seats at the back of the class room as that was were some of the boys thought they could talk or not listen through the whole lesson without being seen by the teacher but that was not the case with Mr Crook, he knew what every boy was doing and what they were saying. It sounded a little inhuman but it was true. Some were just scribbling away trying to finish the last couple of sums on yesterday’s homework and the others were learning what we had learned the day before encase he gave up a terribly hard test. James was like the lookout boy as he had the table nearest to the door and could see when Mr Crook was approaching. When James saw him coming he quickly notified the others by whispering it to his next door neighbour and after a few seconds there was a swam of whispers all saying he’s coming or he’s here but there was always one boy who did not take notice of the whispers and kept on taking.

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      As the clock hit nine the door smashed open startling everyone as it echoed through the quiet corridors. A tall, ridged and intimidating figure entered. He took one step into the class room and slammed the door shut; I could feel my table shack as he did so. His entrance was dramatic and some what frightening. He never even took his piercing little eyes of us and walked to his desk placed his books down on the table and looked around. A he stared at us one by one it was like the claws of an eagle ...

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