Biological explorations of crime.

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Biological Explorations Of Crime

Biological explanations for people who commit a crime, is because we are born with this nature within us.

Lombroso proposed that people who commit crime are from a dissociated group; neither modern/primitive nor man/woman but placed them somewhere in between. To research this he used the method of taking measurements of Italian prisoners and non-criminal personnel. He suggested that it was down to the physical size and shape of the head and face to find out if someone is born criminal. He named these atavists and suggested they have unusual features I.e. high cheekbones, large ears & extra nipples.

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The biological explanations would be that we are born to commit the crime, stereotyping would suggest society would push people into the life of crime making suggestive remarks on someone’s facial appearances plays an adequate part. A study provided has proven to show higher percentages of criminals have unattractive features.

Goring 1913 proved against Lombroso’s theory by comparing 3,000 English convicts and 3,000 non-convicts and found no comparison to support Lombroso’s theory.

Sheldon conducted a study to find out what personality would fit which body type. He this study by showing 4,000 photos of male students and ...

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