Compare and Contrast the Functionalist and Marxist explanations of the roles of schools in society.

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Compare and Contrast the Functionalist and Marxist explanations of the roles of schools in society.

Education for all began in 1870


and in 1880; school attendance was made compulsory for all children up to the

age of 10. This rose in 1918 to 14, in 1947 to 15 and in 19

  1. 72 to 16.

There has been a huge expansion in education this century. There have bee


 many critics of the education system since.

Functionalism is what is known as a ‘
structural theory’. Functionalists see society as being structured like a human body with many interrelated parts that function together to maintain a healthy whole. So as a body has a heart, lung, liver etc society maintenance to the whole social system. Functionalists argue that for a healthy society

individuals must obey society’s norms and values. We are socialised into these ‘Normative behaviours’.

Parsons argued that schools act like a bridge between the family and wider society-preparing us for adult roles in society. He said the Family is the primary agent of socialisation-in the family we are judged on particularistic terms because we gain ascribed status from the family. This is to say we are judged in terms of our status as brother, sister, daughter, son. So education is the Secondary agent of socialisation. In advanced industrial society, we are judged in terms of achieved status and universalistic values. That is to say we are judged in terms of what we achieve and schools prepare us for this. At school, our conduct is measured against the universal school rules and our status is achieved through examination.

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For Parsons schools operate on meritocratic principles. This means that everyone is treated the same way and that everyone has the same chances to succeed. Therefore, those that achieve the most in school do so on merit.

Ability + Effort = Merit

Schools operate on the principle and reward the most ability and those who try hardest with exam success. Therefore, schools ensure that the best people will perform the most important jobs- and this will benefit society as a whole. However, Althusser, a Marxist, disagrees, saying it is merely ideology that makes people believe that the ...

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