Discuss the usefulness of Quantative and Qualitative Methods in study of Suicide.

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Discuss the usefulness of Quantative and Qualitative Methods in study of Suicide.

There are various methods used to study suicide, and, depending on the theoretical point of view, some are more useful than others. These methods can be described as either qualitative or quantitative and are generally used from a theoretical point of view; positivists typically use quantative data, interpretists and phenomenologists usually use qualitative dada.

Positivists are sociologists who traditionally use hard data usually qualitative methods in order to establish relationships. They approach society like a science. Therefore, the methods positivists use are very scientific, and because of this the methods are easily repeatable and so more reliable. These scientific methods give results which are can be applied universally, be generalised and lead to measured predicted. Suicide statistics are an example of the positivist approach to suicide and Durkheim did use the statistics to establish causal laws based on relationships.

Positivists are also referred to as structuralists. Structuralists believe that society is made up of many structures, such as the family or education system. Based on these structures, there is a belief that people within society are passive puppets. As passive puppets, people within society are being controlled by the structures within society. Structures are deterministic for people within society. Structuralists take a macro approach to society and when looking at society this way they believe that by changing and altering various structures they can act as social engineers. Functionalists are structuralist and so Durkheim’s look into suicide takes on the structuralist approach.

The opposite of positivists are usually referred to as anti-positivists. They are often sociologists who base themselves on interpretive mythology and use qualitative methods in order to understand the meanings. Interpretivists concentrate on how people interact in small settings. They are interested in how people define themselves each other and their situation. This is an important approach on suicide for some sociologists such as Douglas who believe meaning behind suicide is very important.

Emile Durkheim is a functionalist and a positivist. His study into suicide looked at statistics of carious countries and he used these to look into patterns in suicide. Durkheim was able to compare statistics between countries and establish causal laws based on correlations. By using statistics he was first able to see these patterns between countries and find the variations in others. He was able to come to a conclusion which can be generalised and applied universally to many countries.

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Statistics are extremely useful for practical reasons. Statistics are collected by a third party and are based on a lot of different issues. For Durkheim’s suicide study this is very important as it enabled him to look at lots of countries and compare, which from a positivist perspective is important for generalisabilty. Ethically suicide statistics fine for published studies as it keeps families anonymous. Suicide statistics are usually found to be published by the Government regardless of studies and so it is unlikely that any individuals are likely to contest the research and so the findings of the study. ...

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