Examine the effects of industrialization on the structure of the family

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Examine the effects of industrialization on the structure of the family

Daisy Boois 12 lee

Industrialisation came about around the late 18th century and early 19th century .industrialisation refers to the shift form an agricultural economy to one that is based on factory production. Industrialisation was considered as a factor that transformed British society in many respects. It is said to have had an effect on the family structure but many sociologist disagree to what degree it changed the family structure parsons (1955) claimed that industrialisation caused the transformation from extended family house holds to a nuclear family household. Whereas other sociologist like peter Laslett believe that the family has always been nuclear. So to what extent did the family structure change due to industrialisation?

        Parsons believed there were two types of society, industrial and pre-industrial society. He argued that these types of societies both had corresponding family structures that fitted there needs. He referred to this as a functional fit. He said there is a functional fit between pre-industrial societies and extended three or more generational family and a functional fit between industrial society and two generational nuclear family. Parsons argued that pre-industrial families were “units of economic production” work and home were not separated; family members worked together and lived together. They had a strong sense of obligation to help each other and dealt with member’s health, welfare, employment and protection. The re-industrial extended family was basically multi-functional.

        According to Parsons after industrialisation the family became nuclear, it had become structurally isolated from wider family and they had no binding obligation the their wider kinship, also due to the change in structure and demands of the family the industrial nuclear family has lost some of its functions to other institutions such as school and health services. Parsons believed that because industrial society required a geographically mobile work force a geographically mobile family is needed, according to Parsons it was a major reason why the family has become nuclear large three generational families cannot relocate easily, but nuclear families could.

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        Although other sociologist like Laslett(1972 )found evidence that the pre-industrial three generational families that parson claimed to have existed in the pre-industrial era did not really exist. Because he found that the average in household side was around 4.75%.According to Laslett this was due to either late child birth or short life expectancy so most grandparents would not life long after they see their first grandchild.

        However Young and Willmott looked at the history of the family in Britain to describe the changes. They argued that the structure of the family has gone trough three stages. Stage one was the ...

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