Examine the role of access to opportunity structures in causing crime and deviance (12 marks)

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Syeda Begum

Examine the role of access to opportunity structures in causing crime and deviance (12 marks)

Opportunity structures can be described as pathway which can lead towards or away from deviant or criminal behavior. for example if someone does not have access to the legitimate opportunity structure of education to achieve goals they may look to other, illegitimate opportunities and which can lead to them committing crime or engaging in deviant behaviour.

One theory that supports the role of access to opportunity structures in causing crime and deviance is unequal opportunities which lead the cause of crime. Merton used the strain theory to explain deviance found in society. He belives there the persons position on the social structure effects the way they resond or adapt to the stain to anomie. Most people have the same goals such as –finatuall success, own house a nice car. People who are unable to achieve what is the said to be the goals for the universal goals of society, may not feel socially accepted therefore turn to crime and deviance as a solution.

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Merton argues that there is different 'modes of adaptation' .Some people conform which means that they accept the rules and the system of mertoracy and strive to achieve legitimately. However the people who are likely to conform are middle class and already have a good opportunity to thieve and succeed, this is mode in which most people perform. Others may innovate which means they do except the goal of money success. But don’t feel they would be able to reach this target legitimately so they use illegitimate opportunities such as theft or fraud to reach this goal. There are four ...

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