Explain the gender differences in particular types of crime.

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Explain the gender differences in particular types of crime.

The object of this paper is to explain gender differences in particular types of crime. I intend to do this by using various books and the Internet to briefly explore burglary, prostitution and crime related to a violent nature. I also wish to include any graphs or statistics I may find of interest and relevance to this essay.

It has been stated that the differences between men and women, and their upbringing, has greatly influenced the crimes they commit and whether they commit crimes at all. I personally feel that this is a generalisation and may border on stereotyping and discrimination, for example if you asked people who they thought would commit an offence related to football hooliganism they would often say a man. To show evidence to support this statement I conducted my own short survey and recorded my findings.

I was alarmed to find that not only did most of the people I asked related the crimes to males, but then they went onto describe them as "a skinhead" "lots of tattoos" "lager lout", all very stereotypical roles.

It is believed by various sociologists that factors influence us from the period of our upbringing. This belief is supported by Thomas 1967, who said "the girl as a child does not know she has any particular value until she learns it from others" Internet resource, five, 2003.

There are two points that we must be aware of. The first is the gender specific role models we are presented with. For instance, a male is generally brought up to be assertive to gain the objects and the possessions that he desires and displays a varied amount of

aggression. A female, on the other hand, is conditioned to believe she must maintain a clean responsible reputation so she is thought of as a respectable candidate for marriage, and in turn bring up her own family.
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Secondly, as Bowlby suggested, "People who are deprived of motherly affection in their infancy later are likely to become criminal". Although this cannot be proved we can relate it back to my initial point and conclude that people deprived of gender specific roles are generally more likely, but not guaranteed, to commit crime.

"The women who are most likely to become criminal are the minority who have been brought up in care, or who have rejected 'normal' family life". Sociology, 1995.

Furthermore, it is generally believed that during childhood, girls are supervised more closely than ...

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