How do race and ethncity impact on formation of identity?

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How do ‘race’ and ‘ethnicity’ impact on the formation of identity?

Identity is a key concept within the social sciences, revolving around how individuals or groups of people in society are identified.   The formation of identity is a complex process.  ‘Race’ and ‘ethnicity’ are key elements impacting upon the formation of identity.  This essay will explain what is meant by ‘race’ and ‘ethnicity’ and how identities are formed.  It will then explain how structure shapes the formation of identity and explain how social changes cause uncertainties leading to the formation of new identities.

‘Race’ is a term used to categorize humans by their visible differences i.e. White, Asian or Black.  However, in social sciences, ‘race’ is put in quotation marks to emphasize the fact that it should not be classified on the basis of physical characteristics only but, should account for the fact race is socially constructed term and serves an essential purpose in relation to the formation of identity.

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‘Ethnicity’ is a term used to describe those that share the same language or nationality, although sometimes they do not share the same identity e.g. the meaning of the term black.  During the early 1980’s black was used to describe those of Asian decent.  During the later part of the 1980’s, black, reverted to only describing those of black decent.  Woodward (2004, p 119) argues that the 1960’s Black is Beautiful movement campaigned the category of black, inclusive of Asians and any other non-white groups, as inappropriate.  Collective group action disputed the terminology of black and involved a struggle to ...

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