How Far Has the Work of Labelling Theorists and Interactionists Helped Us to Understand Why Some People Become Criminal and Others Do Not?

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How Far Has the Work of Labelling

Theorists and Interactionists Helped

Us to Understand Why Some People

Become Criminal and Others Do Not?

Most sociologists ask what the causes of crime are and try to solve crime by preventing these causes, however, labelling and interaction theorists ask why some behaviour is labelled deviant while other behaviour is acceptable. Their arguments have been discussed below.

Becker was one labelling theorist who wanted to find how behaviour was labelled deviant and then become criminal. Everyone in society is potentially a criminal as all commit deviant acts. These deviant acts only become criminal when caught and given a punishment. Becker's study of Football Hooliganism shows how a group can be labelled and then creates more deviant acts. Fights at football matches are not a normal thing, they are usually isolated incidents. However, these events can be focused on and escalated to seem like a real problem by the media. The public then labels the people who go to watch football matches as Football Hooligans. The football fans gain a master status, i.e. when they wear their team's football shirt and as soon as they do they have a label attached to them of "hooligan". Due to this fear from the public about football fans, there is more police at football games. This does increase the numbers of arrest, not necessarily because there is an excessive amount of deviant behaviour, but because the more policing are carried out in any area the more deviant behaviour will be found. This label may lead to a self fulfilling prophecy as they may be prevented from doing things in society due to wearing their football shirt, e.g. go to a pub. This makes them angry as they are being punished for nothing and then creates deviant behaviour in defiance of their treatment.
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However, it is possible for people to reject any label placed upon them. If a fan went to a match and did not cause any trouble or behave deviantly in any way, they would not be punished. Also, if they do not wish to be judged or prevented from doing things in society they would only have to take off their football shirt. Fans can also support their teams at home watching on television. Although, it could be counter-argued that people should not have a label placed on them without real cause. Dunning et al claimed that it ...

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