Major Theories in Sociology

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Science is non-ethical in the sense that it deals with the study of events as they are and not what they should be. A scientist has no technique by which he can determine what the ultimate values of society should be.

The knowledge attained by him is instrumental. Some people think of science as a particular knowledge and some think of it as particular method to investigate natural phenomenon. The results of these methods are available for everyone to use and to check so they are authentic and valuable.

Sociology studies society and human behaviour, it uses systematic methods of investigation to build theory about social structure and it activity.

Common sense is based on a person’s own experience and the manner he understands it. Common sense is not based on any sort of method of investigation; it can be hearsay, based on lies, imaginary and factionary.  It is more prone to change and has not evidentiary value. It can never be used as a source of reference as it lacks in validity and authenticity.

The main difference between science and sociology is that sociology is a branch of science and derives all its methods of investigation from it, where as common sense is in absolute contrast with these two. Common sense has no roots hence has no means of authenticating it.



August Comte believed that the facts in society can be used by physical scientists for the study of their subject with the objective that the society can be understood in a scientific manner. This is called ‘Positivism’. He explained different methods used by sociologist like data collection and comparison of data.

As opposed to positivism interpretivism believed that humans are not helpless like puppets who respond to certain changes in a prescribed manner. Human response can vary in different kinds of situations as they are active and more prone to changes. They can bring changes to their surroundings as they are not static and life less.

Qualitative methods is used to understand individual differences keeping in view the likes and dislikes, believes, mental and intellectual level of the subject. Quantitative research uses many  methods like data collection, survey , interview etc.

        Positivism studies different institutions of a society where as         interpretivism analysis the role of individual in society. Positivism         is         macro and inter positivism is micro sociology.

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        Positivism defines sociology as science which is based on data         and         experiments, interpretivism do not agree with this and argue         that sociology is not a science that behaviour of individuals cannot be         explained properly through data or experiments.


Olivia. (09/05/2011). Difference between positivism and interpretivism.Available: Last accessed 11/11/2012.



A perspective is way of looking at things, since this is the subject of sociology so here it can be said that the way sociologists look at society. There are many perspectives to sociology but this assignment will look at feminism, functionalism and Marxism.


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