Sex drugs rock and roll

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Sex…Drugs…Rock and Roll

Young teenagers in Europe are going through a strong sense of confusion and conflicts of culture like drinking, sex, abuse and fighting.

Free Time

Teenagers in Europe are having to much free time on their own and being more independent. Doing their own thing without any restrictions. ‘Hanging about on street corners drinking and smoking following the older teenagers’

Friends over family

This brings me on to another suggestion, teenagers are spending too much time with friends and not enough wit family, and it has come to my attention that 93% of teenagers in Italy regularly eat with their families. That compares with 64% of teens in the u.k who eat meals at home. Researchers believe that a decrease in interaction with adults has left British teens unsupervised and adrift. I think parents should make more effort to introduce discipline into their house holds.

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It is in my considered opinion that although police in Britain are trying to control troublesome teens through an anti-social behaviour order, I feel that this punishment isn’t much different to a warning and if punishment was a little harsher there would be fewer teenagers repeating their actions. Having surveyed 30 students in year 9, twenty of them didn’t seem concerned or worried if they were to get an ‘ASBO’ against their name. I’m sure you will agree that something more severe like community service at weekends would have a bigger affect as it is taking them off ...

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