Sociology Exam Study Guide

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Second Exam

Sociology 131

Fall Semester

How is studying bureaucracy as an ideal type useful? Studying bureaucracy as an ideal type is useful when attempting to understand how an organization works sort of like “what makes the world go round”. Max Weber defined bureaucracy as a completely rational organization; one that uses the most efficient means to achieve a valued goal. It has seven major characteristics that allow it to coordinate people so that their actions focus on achieving the organizations goals. There are two dimensions of organizations referred to as formal and informal dimensions. The author defines the formal dimension as the official aspect of an organization that consists of job descriptions and written rules, guidelines, and procedures established to achieve valued goals. The informal dimension is defined as the unofficial aspect of an organization, including behaviors that depart from the formal dimension; an example would be an employee ignoring the official rules and guidelines established by the formal organization. The dominance of formal organizations coincide with rationalization; rationalization is defined as a process in which thought and action rooted in emotion, superstitions or tradition is replaced by thought and action grounded in logical assessment. Rationalization can be found in many formal organizations today.

What is alienation as described by Karl Marx? Karl Marx describes alienation as a state of being in which human life is dominated by the forces of its inventions. I believe alienation was a key part in many of Marx’s research projects because it gave insight on how in the process of industrializing  society  personal interest  or care that individuals once had for their occupation has been lost and is now  sort of a routine. In many occupations people have been alienated from their families, community and products. For example people who work for manufacturing companies may work odd shifts which don’t allow them to have family time or socialize with others in their community. It also alienates the individual from the product because they are only one part in completing the ultimate product verses having that personal connection and care for the product they are making. Just like puzzle pieces they all have to work together to complete the big picture.

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How do sociologist and other social scientist explain the “McDonaldization” of society?  The McDonaldization of society is defined as the process in which the principles of the fast-food restaurant are coming to dominate more and more sectors of American society as well as the rest of the world. Those principles are efficiency (claim to be the best), quantification and calculation (numerical indicators enabling consumers to evaluate the product or service easily), predictability (the expectation that the service or product will be the same no matter where it is purchased), and control(regulating and planning in detail the production of a service ...

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