The effect of government laws and social policies on family life.

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The effect of government laws and social policies on family life.

Family life has been affected by the laws and social policies that have been made over the years because they have changed the way we think of families the way that they are structured and the roles with in the family household.

One of the earliest social policies made was to that the contraception pill made available on the NHS, this was in 1961 and was made under the conservative government. This affected family life as it gave women the choice of whether they had children or not. The affect that this had on the family was that the structure of a family, as a nuclear family, could and would be changed based on a woman's decision about having children. This affected not only the family as a structure but the roles that were taken in it, if the woman didn't have children she, theoretically, wouldn't have a main role in the household. Also as women now had the choice of having children it changed their rights which also had an impact on the men as they didn't have all of the power.
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Following this the abortion act was legalised in 1967 under the labour government. This meant that even if women did become pregnant they to some extent still had the choice of whether they actually had the child. This had basically the same affects on the family as the contraceptive pill becoming available did because it gave women a choice which gave them more power both in society and the family.

Also in 1967 homosexuality was decriminalised this meant that family life would have a big change as the whole structure of it would have to change ...

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