The importance of feminism.

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The importance of feminism

Media Studies

Feminism is important as it asserts women, makes them more confident and powerful. It tries to make woman equal to men in society. It points out the lens and mirror analogy. That some articles, commercials and lyrics reflect what is really happening in society. Where as some are distorted telling only half of the truth or making the story one sided.

I will tackle this essay by looking at the studies carried out on the British press, TV adverts, Films, Lyrics, Magazines and using these to form an argument on whether things are getting better.

There are 3 different types of Feminism: Liberal, Radical and Marxist. Liberal feminists believe that media is changing in relation to women for the better. With two legislations the equal pay Act which was drawn up in 1975, and the sex discrimination Act which came about in 1976. They felt optimistic about the future.

Radical feminists argue patriarchy is still pervasive throughout society, meaning that men dominate society. They state that media reinforces women in domestic roles. Marxist feminists state that the women’s inferior position in society is serving the interests of capitalism. That the media reflects the situation because it’s controlled by men (patriarchy).They also argue that pornography and women’s bodies are used to make profits for the owners of the media.

The problem of using feminism is that the three types overlap. Paul Trowler (1996) acknowledges that the boundaries between the three types of feminism are not always clear – cut. Yet all three types would agree that changes have occurred in the way that the media portray women.

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The British press represent women as sex symbols for men, through pornography. They focus on women’s domestic of family role. Little media time however, is spent on women’s issues, often trivializing important female concerns. This is due to the fact that according to ‘women in Journalism’ a study carried out in 1995. Women held only 20% of positions of significant decision making in newspapers.

Women continue to be stereotyped in Television adverts. Dominick and Rauch’s study on this in 1972 showed that women were used to advertise personal hygiene products for use in the kitchen or bathroom. That women ...

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